New Release: French Guard Artillery Battery (1 Viewer)

Brian, looks great hope to add some of them soon. Total cost for a full set is what?
Brian, does that mean that each piece is sold separately, or are some put together to sell as sets already?
Brian, does that mean that each piece is sold separately, or are some put together to sell as sets already?

Sure, we have some sold at singles and some sold in pairs. The cannons are sold seperately. Be assured it has been well thought out as to the variety and the multipurposing of various poses.

Its just another way we intend to increase the diorama possibilities of all of our sets. We believe that in every piece, every set and ultimately every diorama a story must be told. You are starting to see that on all of our products, from Tanks to Napoleonics. From thrown tracks to wounded sets and the like.

We should be known as the highest quality producer that collectors come to for full diorama sets, not just toy soldiers. note: In a few short months you'll see a new product range that will make all of of our worlds come alive like nothing before. Be looking for this exceptional release!:D

We should be known as the highest quality producer that collectors come to for full diorama sets, not just toy soldiers. note: In a few short months you'll see a new product range that will make all of of our worlds come alive like nothing before. Be looking for this exceptional release!:D


You are such a tease.:rolleyes::rolleyes::p:):D:cool:
Brian, keep up the good work. Your products definitely do have a lot of action in them. I do not want to get into another range (ie., Napoleonics), but I will probably get at least one gun or two and crew. These are just very nicely done.
I can appreciate all the loose figures. Then my real question is, Then the guns are 29.99 also?!!!!!
Just awesome. I might have to give up on my trophy collection because those sets with your lancers are beautiful
Now this is among one of the most impressive sets of figures I have seen this year.


Why was my post edited??? :confused: What redundant photos.?? I had included this photo - what was wrong with that??



  • GA01.jpg
    69.8 KB · Views: 383
No matter how many times I see that photo it never gets old . Totally Great !

that is one of the nicest artillery sets I have ever seen...

if I was collecting Naps...

this would be a must have...

smart marketing to sell the sets broken down instead of all 12 pieces together...

ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS and a good price to boot...

kudos to you:D
The set was conceived out of the notion that multiple poses would allow for great flexibility when it comes to diorama settings.

Building and posing the figures is the greatest part of the job at our studio. So if we can get in there come up with the necessary action and juxtapose it with scene creation well we feel like we're doing our job right. We knew when coming up with the Guard Battery concept that at the end of the day the entire battery needed to seem as though it was acting as one deadly whole.

And of course the subject is of great appeal to any gritty military miniature collector: an impressive Guard Battery carrying ball and shot right to the enemy!

Glad to hear the good news from our collectors, enjoy the sets, they start shipping in just a couple of weeks.

kind regards,

Glad to see that you are geared to the dioramist as that seems to be what most people on the forum are.
Any news .. if these have landed ?

Appreciate any & all, first hand views. :)


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