New Release: More Wheats! (1 Viewer)

The Collectors Showcase

Staff Sergeant
Dec 4, 2006
New Release: More Wheats!​

TCS is pleased to announce yet another great October release: Wheat’sTiger Zouves Part 2. It’s been about six years since we last issued our first Wheat’s Tiger Zouve sets. We thought it high time to add another clutch as the first issue has been sold out for some time.

These seven choice poses will curdle the blood of any Yankee opposition for sure. Known for their battlefield tenacity we think they’ll steal the show in your display. Pricing per figure is unchanged. The Wheat’s set will be available in our rather robust October catalog. Keep those eyes peeled for even more announcements in the days ahead.

Tallly Hooo!


Re: New Release: More roman needed

Has anyone heard if in the Rome series more coming out, not one at a time, but a
number of romans and barbarians, perhaps romans with banners, dead or wound, hopefully the bases
will be slightly larger they seem to get smaller each release.
Suggest doing either a firing line OR charging/attacking series, not both. Figs fit into either category but not both for a diorama scene and it would be nice to use all. Blanket rolls still lack the detail of all other manufacturers. TCS is yrs behind the state of the art in this aspect. TCS flag bearers always depicted using fire arms while carrying the various standards. Unrealistic IMO.

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