New Release: U-96 (1 Viewer)

The Collectors Showcase

Staff Sergeant
Dec 4, 2006
New Release: U-96

For about 10 years the thoughts of producing a U-Boat lurked in the backround. But the industry was keeping TCS so busy with other collector’s needs we just didn’t find the time to start the project. But the idea remained, hidden, waiting for the right moment. The period of late has offered a unique time to start looking to projects that no one had thought to do. The right time had arrived! So, TCS is pleased to release the U-96! Months in the making and just about three weeks away from reaching collectors. This model is like no other. Composed of three sections making up about a 30% of an actual type VII U-Boat. To keep within every ones toy soldier budget everything is A La Carte. This allows collectors to add sections to their display as they wish. But there’s a catch: We’ve manufactured just 200 sets. Once they are sold out, the U-96 will be discontinued. There’s just no way to go back to the factory and order smaller quantities of a large model like the U-96.

We’re overwhelmed by the collector response. I thought the product might be well received but had no idea at the enthusiasm it’s created. Its great to see! Order with us using the link below or through your favorite dealer. Our latest four color magazine has a great mini-poster included, and its free! Just go to the site and sign up for the newsletter.



The sea and sky really set the scene for this wonderful model. Would have thought it represents more than 30% of the actual sub, but I imagine the decks do stretch each way a fair bit. Guessing in 1/30 to have a complete sub is unrealistic, so good on you Brian getting at least this main bit done. Robin.
Andrea has a 1/32 complete U-96, built and painted for 8,524.00 Euros. Obviously some collectors want the whole thing! The model is huge, 82.5 inches long and it has the full hull top and bottom, it is made of fibreglass and resin. The Andrea model number is LP-02 and it is shown on their website. Andrea previously did a waterline section of the U-96 like TCS has done; but the TCS U-96 detail and figures are superior IMO.

The sea and sky really set the scene for this wonderful model. Would have thought it represents more than 30% of the actual sub, but I imagine the decks do stretch each way a fair bit. Guessing in 1/30 to have a complete sub is unrealistic, so good on you Brian getting at least this main bit done. Robin.
Great photos Brian; they really show the excellent quality of the piece. Far superior to the Andrea U-96 and figures. Given the comments you should consider offering add on pieces to complete the upper hull IMO.

New Release: U-96

For about 10 years the thoughts of producing a U-Boat lurked in the backround. But the industry was keeping TCS so busy with other collector’s needs we just didn’t find the time to start the project. But the idea remained, hidden, waiting for the right moment. The period of late has offered a unique time to start looking to projects that no one had thought to do. The right time had arrived! So, TCS is pleased to release the U-96! Months in the making and just about three weeks away from reaching collectors. This model is like no other. Composed of three sections making up about a 30% of an actual type VII U-Boat. To keep within every ones toy soldier budget everything is A La Carte. This allows collectors to add sections to their display as they wish. But there’s a catch: We’ve manufactured just 200 sets. Once they are sold out, the U-96 will be discontinued. There’s just no way to go back to the factory and order smaller quantities of a large model like the U-96.

We’re overwhelmed by the collector response. I thought the product might be well received but had no idea at the enthusiasm it’s created. Its great to see! Order with us using the link below or through your favorite dealer. Our latest four color magazine has a great mini-poster included, and its free! Just go to the site and sign up for the newsletter.



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I am out unless the bow (fore) and stern(aft) are included. I don't mind paying the extra cost. However, I think CTS, based on the recent post, is wysiwyg (what you see is what you get). Why did CTS waited this long to produce this waterline sub and only 30% of the model? Why stop in 3 section and not go on with 5 or 6 to complete the model?...oh bummer!

I am out unless the bow (fore) and stern(aft) are included. I don't mind paying the extra cost. However, I think CTS, based on the recent post, is wysiwyg (what you see is what you get). Why did CTS waited this long to produce this waterline sub and only 30% of the model? Why stop in 3 section and not go on with 5 or 6 to complete the model?...oh bummer!


Simple, finances my friend. Alas it always comes down to money, sadly. The entire production took quite a lot of capital to begin with. I felt it was prudent to gauge collector response. Your inference of what you see is what you get? I think I inferred otherwise, adding to the boat would be awesome! :D


I am out unless the bow (fore) and stern(aft) are included. I don't mind paying the extra cost. However, I think CTS, based on the recent post, is wysiwyg (what you see is what you get). Why did CTS waited this long to produce this waterline sub and only 30% of the model? Why stop in 3 section and not go on with 5 or 6 to complete the model?...oh bummer!


Probably cost and size.The bigger it is less collectors will buy because of space issues and of course cost.Those who can afford $1300 might not be able or won't spend $2000+.
I am out unless the bow (fore) and stern(aft) are included. I don't mind paying the extra cost. However, I think CTS, based on the recent post, is wysiwyg (what you see is what you get). Why did CTS waited this long to produce this waterline sub and only 30% of the model? Why stop in 3 section and not go on with 5 or 6 to complete the model?...oh bummer!


To me Collector's Showcase took the common sense approach to this model. How many would buy a 27" ( 2 foot 3") version retailing @ $1,299.00 as opposed to
A full sized 7 + foot model costing between $2,500.00 - $3,000.00. If the 7 foot sub was made, some would complain it is too big or too expensive, etc....
Like anything else in this Hobby not everyone will like everything that is made, or how it was made. When collector's start posting photos of their newly acquired
U-96 subs, the enthusiasm will speak for itself !

Even though the sub is not from stem to stern, it's still a beautiful piece and I think CS deserves a "job well done". Perhaps we will see a supplement set down the road to include the front and rear sections (plus maybe a few extra surprises). I think with what's been said already, Brian has heard the strong interest in "finishing off" the U-96. :salute::

I can't wait to receive and photograph mine!
What is the width with and without the water sections. I think at this size a goodly portion will fit in a book case! :p
The last photo is photoshopped, the books in the background are fake. The sub will be too big to fit into a typical bookshelf
The Sky over the Sea in the other photo is also photo shopped; so what. Most photo advertisements are photo shopped. How many figures have you bought that the color is different than the ad photo? Color Temperature and Saturation are adjusted in post processing to look best on a monitor or a print. I do it with photos I post on the Forum, SOP!

The U-96 Model will fit fine on a standard bookshelf without the books. I have bookshelves 11.5 inches deep by 36 inches wide. A custom built bookshelf, if needed would not be a great additional cost to display a $1300.00 model IMO. Both books and the U-96 model could be displayed. I would prefer a skyline backdrop myself.
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what a shame you did not ,make the entire length of the sub

price would have been worth it looks odd with cut ends

New Release: U-96

For about 10 years the thoughts of producing a U-Boat lurked in the backround. But the industry was keeping TCS so busy with other collector’s needs we just didn’t find the time to start the project. But the idea remained, hidden, waiting for the right moment. The period of late has offered a unique time to start looking to projects that no one had thought to do. The right time had arrived! So, TCS is pleased to release the U-96! Months in the making and just about three weeks away from reaching collectors. This model is like no other. Composed of three sections making up about a 30% of an actual type VII U-Boat. To keep within every ones toy soldier budget everything is A La Carte. This allows collectors to add sections to their display as they wish. But there’s a catch: We’ve manufactured just 200 sets. Once they are sold out, the U-96 will be discontinued. There’s just no way to go back to the factory and order smaller quantities of a large model like the U-96.

We’re overwhelmed by the collector response. I thought the product might be well received but had no idea at the enthusiasm it’s created. Its great to see! Order with us using the link below or through your favorite dealer. Our latest four color magazine has a great mini-poster included, and its free! Just go to the site and sign up for the newsletter.



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Brian has already stated that additional sections to complete the hull will be made if the demand exists. The center section being made is larger than that offered by Andrea. Andrea also offers a full 1/32 U-96 kit. The product number is LP-02 and it can be purchased as a finished model for more than most people would be willing to pay IMO.

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