New Releases for June 2018 - The Conquest of America (1 Viewer)

Don't really care if the Morian is wrong for the specific period. It is such an iconic emblem of the Conquistadores in popular culture that I'd be very disappointed if John didn't offer some figures wearing that helmet.

I'm with you Ken...
I have never been a rivet counter...
and that helmet is the most recognized item of the Conquistadors...
I can live with it very easily and would miss if it wasn't there...
Agree the helmets are iconic for me with the period. I may look at these and hope John does some other opposition to compliment the time period. Robin.
Awesome... That is an extensive book collection of samurai books and references. Looking on the extreme left, are those from Terje Solum's Saga of the Samurai?

No those are all Osprey Title Samurai books.
It may be technically ahistorical, but the Conquistadors (or 16th century Spanish in general) without morions would actually "feel" more unhistorical than otherwise. As these are toy soldiers, and the morion one of my all time favorite helmets, I would be extremely disappointed. So morions it is!
Yeah when I found out they didn't come out until the 1540's It felt like when I found out there was no Santa Claus.{eek3}

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