I have been comparing (through the provided photos only, of course), the JJD D-7 with the KC D-7. Putting aside the JJD realistic look vs. the KC clean, unused look (choosing one over the other really is a matter of personel taste), I believe that the JJD model is the superior choice in terms of accuracy. I do have small concerns over the strut thickness on the JJD model and over the length of the landing gear support struts, which appear too long. This could be a matter of photo angle here, so will have to wait on the actual model being in my hands for final judgement. No other concerns over the JJD model. I have real concerns with the KC model. The struts are much too thick and heavy. The actual D-7 had very thin struts, especially when viewed from front or rear (as I mentioned somewhere else when discussing this). I have no view of the landing gear, thus no critique. The lower wing rear edge on the KC D-7 appears straight, which is incorrect. This rear edge should have the scalloped rear edge that the upper wing has. Odd error as this feature is obvious in any wartime photo of D-7 wings. I have concerns about the accuracy of the paint jobs on the green and red models, but this can be a very controversial subject, open to many interprutations, so I cannot say with real certainty that they are incorrect. Just say alternate wing finishs are possible. My real gripe with the KC models are the very ugly and inaccurate strut troughs used at the anchor points where the struts are attached to the wings. JJD uses a realistic method of one point attachment while KC looks to have joined the struts together and then sinks them into a trough. It is a modelling shortcut and probably also for strength, given the material. I know this sounds like I am trashing the KC model but I just believe that the JJD model is the more accurate choice. I do like the color varieties that KC chose and especially like the pilot figure choices KC is offering. Still, being rather finicky where my WW1 aircraft are concerned, JJD gets my vote. And remember, all these observations are based on only the photos I have seen here, on this forum, and my obsevations might change on certain aspects when more pictures, or the actual craft, are available. -- Al