New TGM WW1 German aircraft? (2 Viewers)

Actually there appear to be 15 of them, and this time all 15 aircraft have the same color scheme so it will be interesting to see if this allows for sales at a rate that is a little more "consumer-friendly".

We do try to please honestly although sometimes its difficult!
However as much as we would like to, we cannot "make 20 and see what happens", its a question of economics and how much we can afford to invest in a certain aircraft. We need a 100% guarantee that whenever we make a model we will at least recoup our money and hopefully make a small profit.
I would like to add that over half the Rolands have sold out already and its only been a few hours since we announced their release.
Maybe the other half will now sit there but its going to be an interesting experiment
However it appears the Macchi has been more popular than all the others, now who would have thought that?
At present we have over 200 aircraft slotted in for production this year, broken down into approximately 20 different types. Whatever way you look at it, that's a substantial investment on our part
Some will be very popular and others will not be so popular, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.
We will be making strenuous efforts this year to raise our aircraft profile and hopefully broaden their appeal. If this goes the way we plan, then we will increase production numbers and hopefully you will see a drop in retail prices.
At the moment its a new venture for us and we are still finding our way in what has turned out to be a very exciting market to be in.
I can confirm that a Fairey Swordfish is on its way (the one that finally sank the Bismarck) and some other Allied planes,notably for the Pacific theatre are also on their way this year.
I would like to thank all of you who support us in this venture, so far its been a real pleasure for us making these aircraft and bringing them to the collectors market
Best wishes Vicki Lucas
I can confirm that a Fairey Swordfish is on its way (the one that finally sank the Bismarck) and some other Allied planes,notably for the Pacific theatre are also on their way this year.
I would like to thank all of you who support us in this venture, so far its been a real pleasure for us making these aircraft and bringing them to the collectors market
Best wishes Vicki Lucas

Hi Vicki,

That's great news, especially regarding the Swordfish.

Can you tell us where we will be able to purchase them?

More specifically, where can we buy one of your models if not directly from TG?:eek:

Hi Vicki,

That's great news, especially regarding the Swordfish.

Can you tell us where we will be able to purchase them?

More specifically, where can we buy one of your models if not directly from TG?:eek:


The Swordfish maybe available next month or if not then in March.
At the moment I cannot comment on which or if any dealers will have them, as its a big aircraft and is going to be quite an expensive item.
Best Vicki
Having received Vicki's email, in which she made mention that an airplane can be paid in three separate installments (a payment option of which I was unaware), that puts a completely different slant on things (from my perspective) so apologies for my post on Sunday alleging a business model designed to promote panic buying and otherwise whining :redface2:

I have put my money where my mouth is and ordered one of the Rolands.

At present we have over 200 aircraft slotted in for production this year, broken down into approximately 20 different types. Whatever way you look at it, that's a substantial investment on our part

That is a substantial investment and very good news for collectors, the problem (for me at least) is that there will be 20 types which averages out to just 10 aircraft per type (maybe less if there are different color schemes as well). It's great to have the choice of 20 types but as a consumer I wonder just how real that choice is if its then taken away from me in just a few short days.

We will be making strenuous efforts this year to raise our aircraft profile and hopefully broaden their appeal. If this goes the way we plan, then we will increase production numbers and hopefully you will see a drop in retail prices.

That is all any of us can ask/hope for. :)

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