New Tiger (1 Viewer)


Dec 26, 2007
I have been thinking about a new Tiger as either a SL or a regular edition. How about one with a crew painting it or white washing it? The crew could be either preparing for the winter or painting it to match a new order from HQ. It seems like it would make for a great scene for a diorama or a stand alone piece.
I have been thinking about a new Tiger as either a SL or a regular edition. How about one with a crew painting it or white washing it? The crew could be either preparing for the winter or painting it to match a new order from HQ. It seems like it would make for a great scene for a diorama or a stand alone piece.

What a great idea, we now have a number of tank repair and cooking crews but no crews applying paint to their vehicles.
This is a good idea as long as the Tiger is being painted in a summer scheme. Winter and snow make my old joints hurt. Tank maintenance under a warm Normandy sun (with an AA unit watching for Jabos) has a lot of potential. -- lancer
One can find many great ideas for German tank crews going through the wealth of tank photos available. Another idea for a standalone tank crew, or tank crew w/tank would be the crew assembled in front of the tank, perhaps being briefed by the tank cmdr, receiving awards, or just having a group photo taken. There are several photos that show Wittmann and crew taken in front of their white washed Tiger, or Panther.
How about a knocked out Tiger sorta like the Sherman that was released. Maybe make the figures that come with it the dead crew.
Yes ,I don't have a tiger yet but am waiting for one in Normandy or in Russia with a great paint job to get my bucks.Simmo.
I would like to see a late tiger from the french group BESNIER,this group used many captured german afvs,this particular tiger was painted in american olive drab and named COLMAR,after a town in alsace lorraine,it is now in the tank museum in SAMUR,france.Photos of COLMAR are on the samur website,check it out.
All of these are great ideas. I really like the idea of a damaged Tiger with a dead crew, or a damaged Tiger with the crew examining it. But the uniqueness of a crew painting a tank is the best I have heard so far.
Also, I know I am stating the obvious, but all the K&C Tigers are magnificent. If you have a chance to pick any of them up you will not be disappointed.
I'm a great admirer of Otto Carius, a great Tiger Ace, not so famous as Wittman, but maybe more "human" and real , i think is alive at the moment and he wrote a great autobiography "Tigers in the Mud".He was in the Schwere Panzer Abt. 502 , mainly Leningrad front and then the last battles in the Narwa front , in Estonia.He ended the war commanding a Jagdtiger unit against the americans.Reproducing his tiger and figure (not a martial one to be honest) could be really great!
I'm a great admirer of Otto Carius, a great Tiger Ace, not so famous as Wittman, but maybe more "human" and real , i think is alive at the moment and he wrote a great autobiography "Tigers in the Mud".He was in the Schwere Panzer Abt. 502 , mainly Leningrad front and then the last battles in the Narwa front , in Estonia.He ended the war commanding a Jagdtiger unit against the americans.Reproducing his tiger and figure (not a martial one to be honest) could be really great!

I have a print called 'The Wedge of Iron' that was done several years ago. It is signed by Otto Carius and 5 other Tiger commanders who were all at Kursk. All six of them received the Knights Cross. A very cool print done by Michael Wooten. An Otto Carius Tiger would be a nice addition.
I think Michael Wittman was a great ace too, but he was a Nazi (being in the LAH) and so he was used by the propaganda machine (i have always an image in mind of him talking to workers and people to promote maybe some war bond ), Carius was at the contrary ,as i said, more "human", and he made a great career starting the war in the Panzers 38 (another little good tank to reproduce) and then the Tigers.His memories are really interesting and not so dry as with other german soldiers.Very good print , i know what you're talking about!:)For my part i bought the action figure by Dragon made for Otto Carius..really well made, with him wearing the white "special occasions" uniform .
If I not mistaken, Carius' Tiger I was overall dark yellow. Not a very colorful paint scheme like some others, but a great tiger ace none the less.

He ended the war in a Jagdtiger unit.
I have the Wittmans last tank, and the Tunisian, King tiger(ws067). All are greatly done. But the Tunisian, Is The Best one.:)
A K/C Russian front Winter Tiger or Normandy Tiger done in true 1:30 scale has been long awaited and requested by many.....The Tunisian was well done1:30......I am hoping to see a winter tiger weathered properly (not whitewashed) with crew crew or reloading crew with a commander and gunner would be great.....along with long coated freezing germans would go well with this tank.....IMO

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