New Warbirds on the K&C site (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Aug 6, 2005
Stuka, Storch, P-51, Brit avenger and more, new Stuka $1000.00:eek::eek::eek:
Those Warbirds have actually been out for awhile but I think K & C probably just got around to updating their site. When it comes to the Warbirds, it's not updated that frequently.
I would like to buy one of the JU87 Stukas but at almost $1000.00 I will pass on it. I just have to stay off that site so I do not get tempted.
I guess there are a few to whom money is not an issue and will buy, but under these ecomonic conditions???
My question is how much K&C is paying the manufacturer for these units and at 1000.00 a unit I would think there would be just as capable artists around to do it cheaper( of course they would have to be just as high quality). surely the "Arts" community is suffering as much if not more than the general public?
I guess this is where brand loyalty comes into play , I assume a
fair few collectors would rather pay a few extra $$$ to have K and C,s
name associated with the model .
I still think they are pretty cool and if I wasnt paying in $ kiwi [making that
model $1800 bucks] and the economic landscape wasn,t so dicey
I,d sacrifice some regular production stuff to collect a few.

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