NEW Wilson Edward Toy Soldiers BLOG (1 Viewer)

Congratulations to Craig & Jason

An outstanding site with lots of color and information.

Check out this Boxer Rebellion Gate that Craig had custom made to display the WE Boxer series:


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Well Done guys,

its great to see you very own web presence and to see your existing figures and the masters that will come out soon.

Looking to seeing more of you great work on the BLOG,

That Chinese Gate is a beautiful piece of work :salute::

can you post another image of the Chinese Gate, but this time include some your figures, as I'm sure that it will lokk SO much better with the colourful Boxers attacking and the defending Europeans.


Congratulations to Craig & Jason

An outstanding site with lots of color and information.

Check out this Boxer Rebellion Gate that Craig had custom made to display the WE Boxer series:

I could probably be convinced to buy all the Boxers if they would sell me that gate. It reminds me of the old K&C wood and papier mache buildings from the mid-1990's.:wink2:
Re: Chinese Gate

Hi Louis,

Regarding the Chinese gate, the lovely and very talented lady who made if for me lives in the UK and has her own website. Her name is 'Jan' and I'm sure she'd make you one without a fuss. I've been dealing with her for several years now and she has made me some beautiful scenery and background items that I use for display. She can make just about anything building or scenery wise (including boats!), her turnaround is fast and her rates very fair.

I've included Jans website which is worth a look in itself.

Craig Pearse
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Hi John,

I've just posted a few more BLOG pics of the Chinese Gate with some of my Boxer Rebellion figures populating it.


Craig Pearse


can you post another image of the Chinese Gate, but this time include some your figures, as I'm sure that it will lokk SO much better with the colourful Boxers attacking and the defending Europeans.


Hi John,

I've just posted a few more BLOG pics of the Chinese Gate with some of my Boxer Rebellion figures populating it.


Craig Pearse

Thanks Craig,

but for those who haven't ben to your BLOG, here it is

Craig mate,
Outstanding site. Great figures from a trully fine Aussie Company. Keep up the great work cobber.
Cheers Howard:salute::
Re: Chinese Gate

Hi Louis,

Regarding the Chinese gate, the lovely and very talented lady who made if for me lives in the UK and has her own website. Her name is 'Jan' and I'm sure she'd make you one without a fuss. I've been dealing with her for several years now and she has made me some beautiful scenery and background items that I use for display. She can make just about anything building or scenery wise (including boats!), her turnaround is fast and her rates very fair.

I've included Jans website which is worth a look in itself.

Craig Pearse

Dear Craig,

Thanks for the information! I promise you that if I do end up buying one from her, I will buy some of your figures to populate the scene along with my old glossy K&C Boxers.


I already heard from Jan and ordered my own gate.:smile2: So how do I arrange to buy some of your Boxer figures to populate it?
Hi again mate,

You won't regret purchasing that Chinese gate and I'd love to see pics when it arrives. Yours and mine will be the only two in the world ... so far anyway!

Just send me your postal address in a 'private message' if you like and I'll send you a FREE illustrated colour catalogue which contains ordering and payment information.


Craig Pearse

I already heard from Jan and ordered my own gate.:smile2: So how do I arrange to buy some of your Boxer figures to populate it?
I already heard from Jan and ordered my own gate.:smile2: So how do I arrange to buy some of your Boxer figures to populate it?


Welcome to the wonderful world of Wilson Edward Toy Soldiers.
I have been collecting them since 2009 when Treefrog was carrying them and have been posting them here on TF.
For those who have not purchased these wonderful figures you don't know what you have been missing!

Below is the first figure that I purchased from Craig & Jason.
Officer Royal Welsh Fusiliers
Boxer Rebellion


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