The job is finished now. The waterfall will get more transparent as the resin dries but otherwise it is complete.
The whole thing is 6feet long and 4 feet wide and 12" high. It has been built for a wargamer who will be using 1/56th scale figures on it (just over an inch tall).
My customer runs a campaign every year for his friends that lasts the whole year. It is usually set around the 1900ish and everyone takes a different faction or group- explorers, drug barons, local militia etc etc and over the year they enter into all sorts of political intrigue with the occasional small fight so the story develops how it develops.
This continues to build all year up to the final battle every August where everything is finally played out over a long weekend at his house.
This final game is where this rocky outcrop will show its head. I think there will be lots of jungle and then this will appear out of the undergrowth- imagine those Tarzan or lost world films.
I think it is a brilliant idea and I am full of admiration that they can keep the campaign going all year.
I hope I will get some photos of the game in the next few weeks.