News from Andy Neilson in Boston (1 Viewer)

Louis Badolato

Lieutenant General
Apr 25, 2005
Hello all, I returned last night with fellow forum member Gideon from visiting with Andy Neilson along with Matt Murphy and George Guerrero in Boston at the International Toy Expo. The show itself was kind of a bust, appealing mor to modelers than to Toy Soldier Collectors, but I had dinner, desert, breakfast lunch and a long B.S. session with Andy Friday evening through Saturday afternoon, saw some of the upcoming products, and got some insight into what to expect in future. First, the big news: Coming soon is a Hetzer in the ambush camo with snow in the tracks and winter crewmen and a Grille (open turreted self propelled gun) in winter camo with full-bodied winter crewmen, along with four more sets of battle of the bulge winter smocked germans, one of which included three G.I. p.o.w.'s. There was no photo of the Sepp Dietrich figure as of yet. Also, in addition to the photographs of the foregoing items, Andy had gorgeous painted examples of the soon to be released unpainted figures and vehicle for K&C's new paint it yourself series. These sets and vehicles, entitled "A Postcard from Dunkirk" include a French Char B1B tank (the resin prototype was beautifully painted in brown, tan and green camo) along with a set of french infantry with an officer and a set of British Expeditionary Force Tommies (again beautifully painted by Andy's master painters). The series will be released first in europe only this fall. Andy gave a talk Friday night at Matt Murphy's shop, during which he mentioned that in addition to the many factories he does business with in China, he had opened his own small factory for the production of limited editions!! In our late night discussion (we chatted until about 1:30 a.m., then met for breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and chatted again for aother couple of hours) Andy mentioned the launch, hopefully this Christmas, of K&C's "Kingsize" series, the first of which will be an allied Tank transporter a full 2+ feet long!. Andy also mentioned that his next Sherman will be Sherman with either a hedge cutter or bulldozer for use in normandy. Andy also indicated he has design models in place for two different allied tank recovery vehicles, one based on the body of a Sherman, one of which he expects to put into production. There will also be some new WWII personalities to be expected. We also got a look at some of the gorgeous packaging for the soon to be released limited edition Napoleonics and photos of the upcoming French Imperial"Old Guard" grenadiers. Did I mention the Napoleonic French Horse Artillery sets to be released? A canon with 3 man crew and two add on sets. Also a french cottage facade, 3-dimensional courtyard add on, with shell damage and bullet holes, for use with Napoleonics, WWII and even American Revolution or Civil war sets. And for the Afrika Corps enthusiast, Andy mentioned a German Afrika Corps 10.5 cm gun with crew. A great time was ad by all, and it was fantastic to chat with Andy. Andy mentioned how he had been out of the loop while traveling and away from his computer, and asked about the topics discussed on the forum. Gideon and I filled him in on many of the more recent threads, and Andy gave his own unique perspective on the subjects. Also, in the discussion, I mentioned a suggestion by my good friend James, a Vietnam Vet and artist, about a new twist on the Axis leaders series, and Andy really got a kick out of it. I won't spoil the surprise, but there may be some rather unusual sets in future. I can't give James credit for all of them though. Andy mentioned a Battle of the Bulge set in the planning/production stage along the same basic idea ... but again, I won't spoil the surprise. When the sets are actually in the production stage I will fill you all in on James idea, and Andy's similar idea. For now, I have a ton of packing to do, so we'll chat again later.
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Thanks for the update Louis.Wow a Hetzer!!!!Finally some really different armor.I do have a question regarding your intel on the Dunkirk "paint it yourself series."Will these sets be lower in price since they will not be painted and will they be offered as painted for us non talented collectors?I might have to hire Alex,Warrior or Warbuff to paint mine since I'd hate to miss out on the Char B1b.Is Andy just testing the market in Europe first before releasing them to the states?Kingsize series!Does it come with fries???This will open the doors to alot of new sets and ideas to...
Thanks again for all the info.Looks like I will fall further behind in trying to catch up with all the new stuff.Drat!!! :eek:
Louis Badolato said:
Hello all, I returned last night with fellow forum member Gideon from visiting with Andy Neilson along with Matt Murphy and George Guerrero in Boston at the International Toy Expo. The show itself was kind of a bust, appealing mor to modelers than to Toy Soldier Collectors, but I had dinner, desert, breakfast lunch and a long B.S. session with Andy Friday evening through Saturday afternoon, saw some of the upcoming products, and got some insight into what to expect in future. First, the big news: Coming soon is a Hetzer in the ambush camo with snow in the tracks and winter crewmen and a Grille (open turreted self propelled gun) in winter camo with full-bodied winter crewmen, along with four more sets of battle of the bulge winter smocked germans, one of which included three G.I. p.o.w.'s. There was no photo of the Sepp Dietrich figure as of yet. Also, in addition to the photographs of the foregoing items, Andy had gorgeous painted examples of the soon to be released unpainted figures and vehicle for K&C's new paint it yourself series. These sets and vehicles, entitled "A Postcard from Dunkirk" include a French Char B1B tank (the resin prototype was beautifully painted in brown, tan and green camo) along with a set of french infantry with an officer and a set of British Expeditionary Force Tommies (again beautifully painted by Andy's master painters). The series will be released first in europe only this fall. Andy gave a talk Friday night at Matt Murphy's shop, during which he mentioned that in addition to the many factories he does business with in China, he had opened his own small factory for the production of limited editions!! In our late night discussion (we chatted until about 1:30 a.m., then met for breakfast at 8:30 a.m. and chatted again for aother couple of hours) Andy mentioned the launch, hopefully this Christmas, of K&C's "Kingsize" series, the first of which will be an allied Tank transporter a full 2+ feet long!. Andy also mentioned that his next Sherman will be Sherman with either a hedge cutter or bulldozer for use in normandy. Andy also indicated he has design models in place for two different allied tank recovery vehicles, one based on the body of a Sherman, one of which he expects to put into production. There will also be some new WWII personalities to be expected. We also got a look at some of the gorgeous packaging for the soon to be released limited edition Napoleonics and photos of the upcoming French Imperial"Old Guard" grenadiers. Did I mention the Napoleonic French Horse Artillery sets to be released? A canon with 3 man crew and two add on sets. Also a french cottage facade, 3-dimensional courtyard add on, with shell damage and bullet holes, for use with Napoleonics, WWII and even American Revolution or Civil war sets. And for the Afrika Corps enthusiast, Andy mentioned a German Afrika Corps 10.5 cm gun with crew. A great time was ad by all, and it was fantastic to chat with Andy. Andy mentioned how he had been out of the loop while traveling and away from his computer, and asked about the topics discussed on the forum. Gideon and I filled him in on many of the more recent threads, and Andy gave his own unique perspective on the subjects. Also, in the discussion, I mentioned a suggestion by my good friend James, a Vietnam Vet and artist, about a new twist on the Axis leaders series, and Andy really got a kick out of it. I won't spoil the surprise, but there may be some rather unusual sets in future. I can't give James credit for all of them though. Andy mentioned a Battle of the Bulge set in the planning/production stage along the same basic idea ... but again, I won't spoil the surprise. When the sets are actually in the production stage I will fill you all in on James idea, and Andy's similar idea. For now, I have a ton of packing to do, so we'll chat again later.

Sadly, I have no information about cost of the new stuff, particularly the unpainted stuff, although I assume it will be substantially cheaper.
I,m with FA. no way can I paint that stuff. Can,t believe he won,t release a painted version. Isn,t that the main reason we all collect K&C, the finished product.

Andy was questioned about your concerns during his talk at Matt's shop, and he indicated that he would not rule out doing K&C painted versions of these figures and the Char B1B, depending on demand. I suspect if either (1) the unpainted figures don't do well and/or (2) enough collectors ask Andy for painted versions he will probably be willing to do them in future.

Wow, great intel and directly from the horse's mouth so to speak. Thanks Louis. I have to agree with the others though, a paint it yourself series is not what I'm looking for either. The King Size series does sound appealing. Was there any discussion on the Warbirds?
I like the idea of the "paint it yourself series". It will give many of us that unique K&C product with paying a $1000 and also don't have to wait a year for a different paint scheme.
Louis, you're a heck of a guy! Wow, what a bunch of cool stuff (plus I'll bet there were one or two that you were sworn to secrecy on!). An "Allied tank transporter" project? Way cool. It almost has to be the US M26, or the older M19 or the British Schammel. Any of these will be most inmpressive in K&C scale. I imagine the "Sherman-based" recovery vehicle has to be an M32. That, plus any new US Sherman, will be MUST haves for my collection. I better start a second job right away!

Thanks for the info and the update.
In response to your question about the warbirds, Andy did mention that he was having discussions with a company in the Philipines that produced wood planes. There were no promises made, but I had a sh*t eating grin on my face at the end of the conversation. I think maybe the interest we have all been showing in the warbirds here on the forum maybe bearing fruit.
This all sounds very fascinating and I'll be asking Brian to do some of these unpainted ones for sure. I also like the idea that Andy's thinking about warbirds.

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