News from my Workbench-create a Bison (2 Viewers)


Private 2
Jan 29, 2011
Hello all together one of my wifes wishes is to complete her i have build a Bison from a Rodeo Bull.see the Pictures......
greetings ChristopherRodeo.jpg1387308852456.jpg1387712137348.jpg1387711981968.jpgRodeo.jpg1387308852456.jpg1387712137348.jpg1387711981968.jpg
And now the finished Bison (sorry for the double pictures)


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Hello Collectors .my English is not perfect so I want it SinG with the translation program I use the standart silicone Aditionsvernetzend 100 parts silicone 3 parts crosslinker. All without machine-First I have the bull cut in half. the head and tail cut off, Anschliesend the primal form produced. From 1, the cast of the bull halves milled to save weight later. I've been using magic sculp the back and neck .Than on the front legs. so that the fur acts rough I painted with white Spachtelarbe the figure. Then I have the 2 form for the Bison made​​. Also a new base modeled it are now a total of six forms for the Bison. my wife so I have made ​​a special christmas. I let myself be surprised how these figure in Kulmbach arrives next year .. Regards christopher
Hello I know about the problem of the correct size . Unfortunately, we have collectibles until we find forever seeking the right one for us . It is true I can buy bison of Black Hawk or Peipp . I can even afford 2 or 3 to me . And then what? 4 Indians by Andrea so it is not so these figures are not beautiful . But then this hobby is right in the money . I stay in the toy area and am happy. :) Sure, I 'm always thought the characters so vivid and accurate as to create in reality. I have enough tin figures seen for a lot of money to say that I 'd rather eat with my wife. :) For me it's an exciting hobby and if I can only make one of you happy with the pictures of my characters so that the best performance for me. :) . Such ideas as the Bison fall to me mostly at night in bed one when I can not sleep. Then I have to try to enforce the doing. Often it succeeds. time limits are set myself . For advice and tips from you I am forever grateful. regards christopher
Well done indeed Christopher - they look magnificent. I agree wholeheartedly with you - that it is much more fun to make something up for yourself - than buying the "ready-mades". Agree also that you can then spend a bit more on other enjoyable things - such as eating with your wife!:D Excellent idea!

I take my hat off to you for starting from scratch - as I just paint ( and sometimes modify),existing castings. Well done indeed. Do keep at it - and show us some more, when they are completed - or even show us some progress reports, perhaps. johnnybach:salute::
Thank you for the nice words. This recognition is to me a thousand times better to sell than a handful of painted figures. it confirms me that I am correct with all our Hobby. for the time I am grandfather and do not have as much time to my unfinished figures to paint finish. But there are always a few minutes where one or the other character to its end comes. Other Figures and if desired with their history I show you like. greetings christopher:)
Well done indeed Christopher - they look magnificent. I agree wholeheartedly with you - that it is much more fun to make something up for yourself - than buying the "ready-mades". Agree also that you can then spend a bit more on other enjoyable things - such as eating with your wife!:D Excellent idea!

I take my hat off to you for starting from scratch - as I just paint ( and sometimes modify),existing castings. Well done indeed. Do keep at it - and show us some more, when they are completed - or even show us some progress reports, perhaps. johnnybach:salute::

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