News Update January 27, 2025 - Jacobite Rebellion (1 Viewer)

Beautiful Highland. Cant get enough of this series. Imagine if the Jacobites didnt screw up the tactical invasion of England. History changed in a day.
Alowland officer would be great. We only have the charging Highland officer at present
That would be great! That's why I mentioned the idea of making Lord Ogilvy. He's considered a high ranking Lowland Jacobite officer, colonel of his regiment. But an anonymous Lowland officer is all we could wish for I think.
Jason, Looks like you have some room there for the upcoming releases.
Plenty of room. This doesnt have my Brit Cav, Jacobite Cav and French artillery. I have also picked up more Barrels Regt since these pics…… but that being said, still plenty of room
This banner would not have been approved by Bonnie Prince Charles the Jacobite commander-in-chief.
He was after the throne of Great Britain for his father and thus he opposed Scottish independence or separation of any kind.
This banner would not have been approved by Bonnie Prince Charles the Jacobite commander-in-chief.
He was after the throne of Great Britain for his father and thus he opposed Scottish independence or separation of any kind.
Well, the flag exists and was carried at Culloden. The figure was released by JJD several years ago.

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