Ney's Rearguard 1812 (1 Viewer)

King's Man

Jul 19, 2005
Ney”s Rearguard 1812 Vignette,

The small grouping pictured below is made up of a Ney figure, made by Le Cimier, sculptured by Bruno Leibovitz and three Old Guard chasseurs FL figures. The figures sculptured by Mr. Leibovitz usually make for an excellent match with First Legion figures. However, when placed right beside some FL figures they can sometimes appear short, depends on the individual figures used. Mr. Leibovitz figures are now being sold under the company name of Metal Models. The down side is they are only available as unpainted kits.

I hope are to increase the size of this scene as I continue to add Guard Chasseurs figures.

King’s Man


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From the pics the figures appear to fit really well together. I am surprised how well the FL Guard work in the 1812 retreat scenario. That's really great, and of course you have exceptional sculpts and painting!
Ney”s Rearguard 1812 Vignette,

The small grouping pictured below is made up of a Ney figure, made by Le Cimier, sculptured by Bruno Leibovitz and three Old Guard chasseurs FL figures. The figures sculptured by Mr. Leibovitz usually make for an excellent match with First Legion figures. However, when placed right beside some FL figures they can sometimes appear short, depends on the individual figures used. Mr. Leibovitz figures are now being sold under the company name of Metal Models. The down side is they are only available as unpainted kits.

I hope are to increase the size of this scene as I continue to add Guard Chasseurs figures.

King’s Man

Congratulations :)
Very nice little set scène.Avec What did you do the snow???:confused:
Thank you for sharing.
Congratulations :)
Very nice little set scène.Avec What did you do the snow???:confused:
Thank you for sharing.

The snow came in a bottle labeled SNOW that I brought at a local hobby store. I am sorry I don’t know the product name, but anywhere they sell toy trains should have something similar. I just sprinkled it on over the figures. This arrangement is temporary so the figures aren’t glued in place. I am using a coaster as a bases because the sides help hold the loose snow. When I do get around to making the larger diorama I will place the snow so that I totally cover the bases and it looks more natural.

Before I can really make the diorama I would like to see, I need to master the art of making trees. Just thought this little grouping was cool so I decided to post it. Artmabigor, I wish I had some of your diorama building skills. I admire your work, you possess a tremendous talent.

King’s Man
Very nice job. The FL figures match your Ney extremely well. Nice job on the Ney, also. -- Al
Ney”s Rearguard 1812 Vignette,

The small grouping pictured below is made up of a Ney figure, made by Le Cimier, sculptured by Bruno Leibovitz and three Old Guard chasseurs FL figures. The figures sculptured by Mr. Leibovitz usually make for an excellent match with First Legion figures. However, when placed right beside some FL figures they can sometimes appear short, depends on the individual figures used. Mr. Leibovitz figures are now being sold under the company name of Metal Models. The down side is they are only available as unpainted kits.

I hope are to increase the size of this scene as I continue to add Guard Chasseurs figures.

King’s Man

Those are very nice you set-up base with the snow on it...
King's Man: Did you paint Ney yourself? It is an impressive paint job.
Is the Ney figure still available for purchase?

Unfortnately, I just checked the Le Cimier website and it no longer shows the Ney figure as being available. I did paint the Ney figure, however it was some time ago. I don’t paint as much these days, not enough hours in the day. First Legion paint jobs are better anyway. It use to take me hours and hours to paint one figure, while with First Legion I can order five and have them all the very next day. :)

King’s Man
Spitfrnd, in another thread, More Napoleonics !!! , you said, “Actually they are my largest contingent (42) now” when refering to the Old Guard Chasseurs. I would very much like to see some photos of what a grouping of 42 chasseurs would look like. Any chance of a photo or two?


King’s Man
But if it's Ney that you want, let's just wait a little bit. I'm sure FL will release one pretty soon.

I did paint the Ney figure, however it was some time ago. First Legion paint jobs are better anyway. It use to take me hours and hours to paint one figure.........
King’s Man

You're not giving yourself nearly as much credit as you should, that Ney figure you painted looks superb with the FL figures, job extremely well done.

Understood regarding not enough hours in the day and how long it takes to paint ones own figures as having painted thousands of 20mm Napoleonics, I find less and less time to do so nowadays, but I do still enjoy it...........
I'm sure that people who have painted miniature figures in the past can attest to the fact that even at 45$ a figure, they're pretty cheap. Here in this part of Canada, the minimum hourly rate is now 9$ so that's 5 hours of work... I don't think so that someone can produce such a figure in 5 hours.

I'm sure that people who have painted miniature figures in the past can attest to the fact that even at 45$ a figure, they're pretty cheap. Here in this part of Canada, the minimum hourly rate is now 9$ so that's 5 hours of work... I don't think so that someone can produce such a figure in 5 hours.


excellent analysis, which explains very well why I collect FL.:):):)
King's Man-
I like this little display quite a lot. In fact, I find your paint job to be better than most commercially availible work. Nicely done!

Spitfrnd, in another thread, More Napoleonics !!! , you said, “Actually they are my largest contingent (42) now” when refering to the Old Guard Chasseurs. I would very much like to see some photos of what a grouping of 42 chasseurs would look like. Any chance of a photo or two?


King’s Man
Yes I did say that and I will get a photo out soon as I get the camera and a wee bit of time to coincide.

I must say it is I who am envious of your skill in assembling and painting le Duc d' Elchingen and Prince de la Moskova.:cool: As the others have noted, excellent job and he fits in so nicely with the Guards
I'm sure that people who have painted miniature figures in the past can attest to the fact that even at 45$ a figure, they're pretty cheap. Here in this part of Canada, the minimum hourly rate is now 9$ so that's 5 hours of work... I don't think so that someone can produce such a figure in 5 hours.

Quite true Alex, and those of us who can't paint are even more convinced.;)
Ney”s Rearguard 1812 Vignette,

The small grouping pictured below is made up of a Ney figure, made by Le Cimier, sculptured by Bruno Leibovitz and three Old Guard chasseurs FL figures. The figures sculptured by Mr. Leibovitz usually make for an excellent match with First Legion figures. However, when placed right beside some FL figures they can sometimes appear short, depends on the individual figures used. Mr. Leibovitz figures are now being sold under the company name of Metal Models. The down side is they are only available as unpainted kits.

I hope are to increase the size of this scene as I continue to add Guard Chasseurs figures.

King’s Man

Great Job my friend ;) Very nice painting work , and use of a Bierdeckel who would have thought , very creative ... Looks Great :) Gebhard

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