NFL Football in London/UK?? (1 Viewer)


Oct 30, 2007
Hi all,

I guess this is a question for the guys over in the UK/ Europe, I was curious to know how the American NFL Football is being accepted over there?? sounds like another sell out crowd for tonites NFL game there and more are planned for the future, must be some interest ...Sammy
Hi all,

I guess this is a question for the guys over in the UK/ Europe, I was curious to know how the American NFL Football is being accepted over there?? sounds like another sell out crowd for tonites NFL game there and more are planned for the future, must be some interest ...Sammy

Does seem very popular Sammy every time its here, I think they've had a game at Wembley for some years now. I also think there is a late night channel that shows games (and Baseball I believe).

25% or more off tickets will also probably help with people just attending events in the capital because they are on. I know a few of my mates who play rugby attend such events. you will always get some who attend and like these events in the UK just as football has been helped in the US with Beckhams arrival. Not sure NFL has a similar person with such interest and stature worldwide that Beckham seems to have though!!

I am sure that wembley will love having any full stadium at the moment though!!
My mistake, i believe the London game is Sunday nite not tonite...Sammy

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