Nght Attack Rorkes Drift/ Beginner's shoot! AZW (2 Viewers)

Steve Robbo

Oct 13, 2012
Bear with me! Ive just started collecting my AZW sets. Come up with these few scene's! Working on them.
CIMG2153.JPGCIMG2155.JPGCIMG2156.JPGBear with me! Ive just started collecting my AZW sets. Come up with these few scene's! Working on them.

Try lighting the scene with a yellow or orange light, then snap the scene. You might get a fire effect from the burning hospital. Try those orange Halloween string lights just off camera.
Splendid! Good idea, I'll utilise that effect next time. Should be able to get hold of a Halloween light soon enough, got all the trick or treater's coming soon! Haha
Here are some examples to guide you

I used an orange lightbulb and smoked a cigar to blow smoke into the scene....No I dont smoke ^&grin...But I was a Professional Firefighter


Nice seeing you at play Alex in the land of The Zulus. Very nicely staged and photograph as alway featurig your Front Line Zulu War figures manning the last redoubt as they defend the Mission Station...........Joe {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Superb, what innovation! Thought it was a clip out of the real film - Zulu! Lol. I love cigars so that wont b a problem! Thanks Alex.

Steve {sm4}
Hi Joe,

As you may/may not know I am still building up my AZW sets & figures. I was wondering since you are a keen follower too and have acquired such an impressive collection over the years, do you have any you would be prepared to sell/offload? {sm4}

Kind Regards
Steve :cool:

Nice collection and it's good to see someone enjoying a bit of Zulu action!!!!

Seriously, good photo's and cool models.



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