NHL Lock Out Question (4 Viewers)

Season starts this weekend and Rangers welcome Nash to the fold. Pity the Bruins ^&grin (George will say: it's comical).

I don't know about elsewhere but in the NY area, the local teams are trying to do something for the fans, as a feeble way to make amends. I know the Ice-landers are having an open practice and the Rangers are giving away tee shirts at the opener.


Miss Tiffany got me tickets for the game, I told her thanks, but no thanks, have a more important game to worry about on Sunday............;)..............the Bruins are giving away free food items with vouchers, offering 25% off all merchandise in the pro shop through the month of January.
It's a bit odd, but after the baseball strike I was done with that sport. The steroids scandel was just the icing. Have never watched or attended a MLB game since. But with hockey I don't have the same feeling. Can't wait for the NHL to get it rolling. I will be freezing my arse off at the outdoor game in Hershey this weekend, but then watching the big boys in Hi-def from the comfort of my home.
The Philadelphia Flyers sold tickets for friday's practice
They sold 10,000 tickets in one day
Tickets for lower deck only
All sold the same day
Figure that one out

That,s why Philly has money and St Louis does not. The Blues have had their arena open to the public for free all week to watch Blues practices. We went last night for an inter team scrimmage and there were 7000 fans there. Opening night Saturday against Detroit is a sell out. What lock out?
7,000 at a practice doesn't sound bad to me. C'mon Gary, St. Louis is not a small market town. Look at how people support the Cards, whether they're good or not.

7,000 at a practice doesn't sound bad to me. C'mon Gary, St. Louis is not a small market town. Look at how people support the Cards, whether they're good or not.


Brad, I was implying 7000 at a practice was good. As for the money situation it has been reported that last year the Blues lost $20 million. They don,t have the TV contracts that the Rangers, Flyers etc have. Also a few years ago the old owners sold the concession rights for something like the next 20 years so there is no money made there.
I,m not crying poor mouth, it,s just St Louis does not have the cash flow like some other teams.
As for the Cardinals they draw from all over, not just the immediate St Louis area.

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