I did start a thread . It is April so there should be some RTA . I am hoping they are new fully featured figures rather than the tourist fodder we received last year . I have pre tempered my expected disappointment by ordering the She Wore A Yellow Ribbon figures from KronPrinz .
Hi fellas. Been a long time reader but not poster. Would love to see some U.S. Army Air Corps figures again. It's been awhile. I know we have the Pacific pilots but i'd love to see some B-17 crew maybe with a jeep or truck with some crew hanging on. I'd love to see a shorter figure that would appropriate as a ball turret gunner. Would anyone be in on that ?
Another long term reader but first time posting. I am hoping for some more LOJ figures and more FOB civilians. Also, it would be great if K&C could do some WW1 Canadians. How about Lt. Col. John McCrae (In Flanders Fields)?
Another long term reader but first time posting. I am hoping for some more LOJ figures and more FOB civilians. Also, it would be great if K&C could do some WW1 Canadians. How about Lt. Col. John McCrae (In Flanders Fields)?
Yessir ,and also some in full leather. Memphis Belle was a decent movie.