No April wishes! (1 Viewer)


Staff Sergeant
Jul 4, 2009
New releases due out Friday and no thread with wants and needs, so will start one,

the other BotB German Winter paras which were at the London show, possibly some M Knights.....
Hi fellas. Been a long time reader but not poster. Would love to see some U.S. Army Air Corps figures again. It's been awhile. I know we have the Pacific pilots but i'd love to see some B-17 crew maybe with a jeep or truck with some crew hanging on. I'd love to see a shorter figure that would appropriate as a ball turret gunner. Would anyone be in on that ?
As a Napoleonic collector, I'd love to see the 95th Rifles, but I'd be happy with any new Naps figures.


I did start a thread . It is April so there should be some RTA . I am hoping they are new fully featured figures rather than the tourist fodder we received last year . I have pre tempered my expected disappointment by ordering the She Wore A Yellow Ribbon figures from KronPrinz .
I did start a thread . It is April so there should be some RTA . I am hoping they are new fully featured figures rather than the tourist fodder we received last year . I have pre tempered my expected disappointment by ordering the She Wore A Yellow Ribbon figures from KronPrinz .

Whats up with all them 'negetive waves' bro?
Hi fellas. Been a long time reader but not poster. Would love to see some U.S. Army Air Corps figures again. It's been awhile. I know we have the Pacific pilots but i'd love to see some B-17 crew maybe with a jeep or truck with some crew hanging on. I'd love to see a shorter figure that would appropriate as a ball turret gunner. Would anyone be in on that ?



how about like these?
Should get a hit somewhere in my collection, always looking for........
Robin Hood
Light Horse
English Civil War
Market Garden
Life of Jesus
Ancient Egypt
Fields of Battle....home guard, civilians, Pacific Marines/Japanese
Zero's land based.
Desert Village.
John Ford

Yikes too much!!!
Must have a winner here in this lot surely^&grin,
Being APRIL 1st

I bet there will something to fool us ^&confuse^&confuse^&confuse

I have no specific wishes . I like to be surprised each month by the releases.
Every month there is something of interest to me , so " Vivement Demain "!!!!!!!!
So much to add for the JN series, can't fit it all in one post.
Would like to see more JN Officers, deck crew and equipment for a carrier deck. I think LAND based Zeros are on tap as some point.

The AF "Boyington" line also has a lot to add ... more Planes {sm3}..... more Marines {sm3}.... more Pilots ....{sm3} some Japanese (maybe?) {sm3}.... some mechanics and ground crew {sm3} .... some Diorama material ...{sm3} ....just sayin'

--- LaRRy
A battering ram for the Crusader line.

That is truly 1/30th scale and the 1st company to make one. Oops sorry wrong thread.^&grin
Another long term reader but first time posting. I am hoping for some more LOJ figures and more FOB civilians. Also, it would be great if K&C could do some WW1 Canadians. How about Lt. Col. John McCrae (In Flanders Fields)?
Another long term reader but first time posting. I am hoping for some more LOJ figures and more FOB civilians. Also, it would be great if K&C could do some WW1 Canadians. How about Lt. Col. John McCrae (In Flanders Fields)?

Great John some new blood to push for LOJ & civilians, welcome. Robin.
Thanks for the welcome Robin. I love the various FOB civilians which are useful in multiple regions/eras. I just noticed the April Dispatches have been uploaded and K&C does have a new rustic table & chairs. That should be quite versatile and I will be ordering one ASAP. Hopefully we will get some more LOJ releases for May/June.
Another long term reader but first time posting. I am hoping for some more LOJ figures and more FOB civilians. Also, it would be great if K&C could do some WW1 Canadians. How about Lt. Col. John McCrae (In Flanders Fields)?

Agreed! I've been waiting for some company to make Canadians for a long time. Canada made similar contributions to the Australians during the Great War, but while K&C has made three series of Australian soldiers (Gallipoli, Beersheba, and 1917), neither K&C, nor any other major toy soldier manufacturers, have made a single First World War Canadian figure.

Yessir ,and also some in full leather. Memphis Belle was a decent movie.

Wait another Year or two :confused: and the 'Mighty Eighth' MiniSeries by HBO/Tom Hanks Production Company (Filming started) may be released following the lives and tribulations of a 8th USAAF Crew of a B17, B24 Bombers stationed in the UK during World War 2. This will be 3rd Series following on from the Band of Brothers and Pacific. K&C would be wise to schedule some production of these figures to coincide with the expectant success and interest this Miniseries will generate:)

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