Yes mate my poor attempt at a barn, will do until I make a hangar.Wayne mate,
Now thats better. I don't need my night vision googles on to see the dio.:smile2: Is that building one of yours. Looks good cobber.
Cheers Howard
Thanks mate...Very good WaynO.
Nice dio. Nice pairing of two of Britains greatest fighter planes, the Sopwith of MacLaren and the SE of Mannock. -- Al
Thanks guys.and another {bravo}}
I only did that because Howard is going blind..:wink2::rolleyes2:{sm4} and couldn't see the dawn patrol one.^&grin My air fleet will grow as I can not get enough of J.Jenkins planes they are super.Great piece Wayne. So there is just one SE5 at dawn and by noon there is an additional camel - my question is: How long to build up a thousand bomber raid? {sm4}{sm4}. Another superb piece and I too like your barn - I think you get a better effect from the wooden paddle pop sticks than is available with balsa...{bravo}}
Alex , I am humbled indeed by your kind words mate, but as I have no desire to freeze to death may I suggest that if you ever move down under I will gladly assist....{sm4}Wayne
Your work gets better by the day...and you have to be the king of producing scenes on almost a daily basis.....If you lived near us we could use your help {sm4}