Today, was the Day that I can finally see this tank. And Guys it looks Great!!, the small lettering in the wooden boxes was cool, but the frayed end of the rope attaching all of the stuff in the back, was very cool!!. That simple added attention to detail. Just made it more than worth it. I just wish I have a camera to take a picture with.
Now, that I have said that and meant it. The one only thing that I really was greatly anticipating to see too, was the box art. All the F.L. boxes in all the ranges has some great art on it.. And I was disappointed, to only see a white box.
Overall, even without the box art I really liked it. On a scale of 10 being the highest, its a 8.0 to 9.0. If it had a box art. It would have added another .5 to 1.0. hopefully the next armor based releases, will have it. And I can hardly wait to see the next offering(s).