Before I start getting shouted down....No, I'm not entirely in favour of punative punishments for the criminal fraternity. But surely the punishment ought to fit the crime?
Last time I was home at the beginning of this month there was some serious discussion on Brit TV about the police being made to refer to arrested criminals as their "CUSTOMERS" (I kid you not). If this isn't PC run mad, then I don't know what is.
Certainly, there was a massive amount of crime in the UK during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, and sure the punishments were awful, 10-year old hanged for stealing a loaf of bread......but we seem to have gone too far the other way now, to the point where OAP's and kids can't go out in the streets without being mugged or molested in some way.
Right - I'm off to the bar for sure now.