November Dispatches.... (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
May 18, 2005
Winter approaches my friends, dark nights, big old storm down here today and another edition of Dispatches will soon be winging its way toward us. Traditionally this time of year we see some more Bulge releases but what else might be up the collective sleeves of K&C this time???? Me, I am looking forward very much to see which way K&C will go in relation to WW1, but I reckon I will have to wait a bit longer for that yet:smile2::salute::

Good morning Rob, Summer approaches longer days, time for more OMG & LOJ on K&C's program releases schedule at this time of year. Looking forward to Monday and also to see how the new web site pans out. Robin.
are dispatches going to be Monday?^&confuse

Yes, they will be on Monday, November 4th.
Good to see you starting this thread again Rob! As to what I wish for, since at this time of the year traditionally the Bulge takes a leading role and last month we had great German winter releases, I'd like to see the winter Hannomag and Jagdpanther and some new winter GI's, specially Bastonge 101 para's. I would also like to see the ETO version of the 2cm Flak 38 (Not sure, but I think there was one on Gordon's commando harbor attack dio shown in Chicago).
Nothing for me ... please God ... nothing for me! Months behind already.
I really hate to be a negative nellie but you guys probably shouldn't get your hopes up for WW1 Americans, at least not any time soon. I don't want to burst any bubbles or rain on any parades but I have reliable info that this is not a road K&C is going to be going down, at least not in the forseeable future. I know that things can change on a whim, and believe me noone wants to see doughboys more than myself. I just don't want anyone to have expectations that lead to disapointment.
I really hate to be a negative nellie but you guys probably shouldn't get your hopes up for WW1 Americans, at least not any time soon. I don't want to burst any bubbles or rain on any parades but I have reliable info that this is not a road K&C is going to be going down, at least not in the forseeable future. I know that things can change on a whim, and believe me noone wants to see doughboys more than myself. I just don't want anyone to have expectations that lead to disapointment.

I wonder if even if K&C bring out WW1 Americans whether it might be in 2017. Will K&C follow the war years in terms of releases?
Since we are currently in a Grey Phase , What i feel is sorely missing for any WW2 German collection...a Panzerbefehlswagen I Ausf B & an Sdkfz 263...Also would like to see another version of a Pzkpfw II in Grey...
Other area's i would like to see at some point would be some or any type of coverage for Germany's Satellite Allies ( Hungary , Romania ,Bulgaria or Finland )


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