Hi Kings man
thought you may find this more interesting some of Matt's comments which were posted on another Forum . I'm sure Matt won't mind as its already out there and some of their fans don't frequent other forums .
When a new company like ours first start making products, honestly we have no idea what will sell well, what won't etc... It's a pretty safe bet, for example, with Napoleonics that anything British or French will sell better than Russian or Prussian and that Russian or Prussian will sell better than Wurttemberg or Westphalian. Other than that, who knows what you guys will spend your money on! That being said, we've chosen to do everything related to the battles we've selected, not just the blue guys and the red guys, hence why we've done so many minor nations. The same will eventually apply to the Stalingrad range. We've always said we want to do complete ranges where everything you need for a given battle you can get from us without supplementing from other makers and that goal still very much stands. Things just take time.
With our WWII range, we put a lot of thought into what we wanted to do and started with Stalingrad and have slowly started to expand to the desert (more desert coming soon, including infantry!). For the most part, the vehicles at Stalingrad were the basic arsenal of the early to mid-war Germans, so really there isn't too much surprising there. We do have one vehicle that we're going to produce that is pretty unique to Stalingrad, but for the most part Stalingrad is pretty much meat and potatoes as far as the vehicles go. I personally like Panzer Grey, so that works out pretty well too. However, I think the main focus of the range has been and will remain the infantry. Many of the sets we've done on the infantry side of the battle are pretty interesting and unique. Pioneer Demolitons Team, Pioneer Assault Group, and even the regular infantry have a very "Stalingrad" look about them and we're quite happy with how they've come out. So as far as our Stalingrad range goes, i would dare to say that really it's an infantry range with some armor support and will probably continue to be as such. As for other areas of WWII, well, we're dabbling in the desert and will eventually get around to late war western front at some point. US Paras, Brit Paras (i'm a HUGE arnhem fan), SS Germans, etc.... Though other companies all do this stuff, I'm quite confident that our rendition of things like various Camos will pretty well separate our figures from everything else out there. To date we've only done one camo set and it's Russian of all things, RUSSTAL009 Russian Scouts, and I think it shows quite well the possibilities.
Anyway, as for what's next in the Stalingrad range for vehicles...really, it's not to difficult to figure out. Think "basic cable" and you'll probably guess correctly. From the perspective of our customers, and perhaps you guys can correct me if I'm wrong, it's not what we do so much as how we do it that excites our customers. After all, grey heer infantry, a grey panzer III, or a DAK 232 aren't big news. However, I feel our renditions of them really show off what can be done on a figure or vehicle, even the "plain" ones.
Then when he was ask about why not starting in Arnhem and about possible future Waffen SS releases .
First, as for Arnhem (or other Western front battle), I honestly can't remember why we didn't start there. Remember, my partner is Russian, so he supports anything to do with the Russian army of any era! I think if he had his way, we'd do Great Northern War, Crimean War, Eastern Front WWII, etc. etc. etc.

But really, I have always had a huge interest in Stalingrad and when it comes to WWII, I really enjoy the early-mid war stuff in panzer grey with the basic uniforms. Plus, when we looked at the market, none of the other companies were doing it. Arnhem is probably my second favorite battle and one that I definitely want to cover as well so we'll get there eventually.
As for Waffen SS, we have a policy here and I've stated it before elsewhere: First Legion will never (ever) release Nazi's on parade or any of that other stuff no matter how well it sells. We find it in very poor taste. We even hesitate when it comes to releasing swastika aerial recongition flags and though our customers really like them, we've decided not to do anymore of them. However, in order to do a battle like Arhem, you have to do the 9th and 10th SS Divisons, so should we cover Arnhem at some point, we'll do the combat units of the SS because it would be difficult to give accurate coverage of the battle without them. Graebner's dash across the bridge would simply have to be overlooked and it's too iconic to pass up! All this being said, what producers make is their business and what customers collect is also their business, I only say that we won't get involved with that stuff. We decided this pretty early on and if we can't be successful making other things then we shouldn't exist as a company. 'nuff said on that.
Almost forgot - mounted Samurai are coming but probably not until Q2 2011, maybe May or so. We hope to do two Samurai releases next year both focused on the Takeda - one Cavalry, and one infantry/daimyo command release