October Release (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 28, 2007





Dear All

Welcome to Octobers releases, shorter than normal due to the long public holiday enjoyed in China at this time of year, but great things come in small packages as they say!

As always we start off in historical sequence and this month it is a return to our ever popular African War series:

SFA009 'Charge' features a British Redcoat making a desperate charge bayonet fitted against the Zulus. Comes in 3 versions with the 100 of an A version in traditional blue trousers, 50 of the B version wearing white trousers and 50 of the C version wearing locally made faded brown trousers. For those of you wanting to recreate a multiple scenario of these figures charging, the different colours in uniforms will definitely help you out here! Priced at $40 per figure/£29.50.

Moving on to World War 2 we have some very nice pieces featured below:

RS027B The B version of our Japanese officer charging with sword and pistol released last month, this time with a different hat and uniform colour scheme. Limited to 80 pieces worldwide and priced at $40/£29.50.

RS031 features a Type 41 75mm Japanese artillery cannon with 3 man crew as per the attached pictures. The Type 41 was a licensed copy of the German Krupp 08 mountain gun and was issued at a rate of 4 per Infantry Regiment within the Japanese military. It could be dismantled and transported by 6 horses or be pulled by hand if necessary. The type 41 was a very accurate weapon and saw service throughout the war.

Our A version crew come in all green uniforms with a green painted mountain gun, the B version crew come in mixed green/khaki uniforms and a brown/green camouflage colour cannon.

Complete set comes with 3 crew, cannon, 2 x crew rifles, spare cannon shell and ammunition crate and costs $175/£129.50. The A version is limited to 100 pieces and the B version limited to 80 pieces.

FJ022 comprises a new version of an anti tank team very reminiscent of TGM003 released some 6 years previous. The Panzerschreck was a mid war anti tank weapon based on captured samples of the American Bazooka utilising previous German technology. The main difference between the German and American weapons was that the German variant fired an 88mm rocket which could penetrate any Allied armour, but at the same time produced more smoke upon firing, giving it the nickname Stovepipe. The large amount of smoke produced meant that the crews had to change positions after firing in order to avoid being attacked by surviving tanks and infantry, this in itself was hazardous especially under battlefield conditions. A shield was added later, adding a further 2 Kilos to the overall weight. But in true battlefield tradition this new shield was sometimes removed by its crew in order to make carrying less labour intensive!

Our unique set features two Fallschirmjager wearing gas masks (without the canister attachment), ammunition crate and 2 x personal side-arms for the crew.

Priced at $89/£65.00 and limited to 100 pieces for the Normandy version and 100 pieces for the Battle of the Bulge version.

RAF001 features Flight Lieutenant David Lord VC relaxing in a wicker chair with cricket bat and cat accessories! Lord was born in Ireland where his father was serving with the Royal Welsh Fusiliers. He enlisted in the RAF in 1936 and in 1939 was accepted for pilot training, upon completion of training he was posted to India and the Middle East flying transport aircraft. In 1944 Lord was posted back to the UK to undertake further training in the dropping of paratroops and supplies during airborne operations. It was during the Market Garden operation at Arnhem that Lord was awarded a Victoria Cross albeit posthumously, when despite the Dakota aircraft he was flying being on fire, he returned to complete another circuit drop as two of his supply containers were still attached to the underwing of the aircraft. Lord knew that his aircrafts condition was in a perilous state and as soon as the containers were jettisoned he ordered his crew to bail out, unfortunately it was too late and the plane plunged to the ground, only 1 crew member survived to relay the story in 1945 after being released from a POW camp. Lord was awarded the VC for his selfless action and is now buried in Arnhem Cemetery along with his other crew members.

The complete set is limited to 100 in the A version and 80 in the B Tropical version, both are priced at $43.50/£32.00.

That's it for this month with regards to figures, hopefully something here for you and if not there is always next month!

Best wishes Vicki Lucas

Gunn Marketing Manager










Might have a bash with that cricket bat and the Japanese gun set.^&cool, Robin.
VERY nice looking Jap gun and crew, and good to see that they are posed in different positions that most other makers, with a gunner setting the fuse, another brining up ammo, and the other doing a rough sighting.

The RAF flyboy also is a good one as he sits waiting for his next innings,

either on the field of up in the air !!

Nice releases that compliment others quite nicely! The lads have spoken about the Jap Gun and VC Lord....I'm partial to the FJ's.
Just reserved Japanese gun, winter FJs and RAF figure. Add this to the three planes ordered and it's an expensive time with Mr Gunn.

I need a better paying job!
VERY nice looking Jap gun and crew, and good to see that they are posed in different positions that most other makers, with a gunner setting the fuse, another brining up ammo, and the other doing a rough sighting.

The RAF flyboy also is a good one as he sits waiting for his next innings,

either on the field of up in the air !!


The B version of the artillery set has just about sold out here, only 2 sets remaining after dealers get their allocation so it seems to have gone down a treat I am pleased to say.
The bamboo hut and Japanese SPG will all be on display and hopefully also for sale by the December London show.
Thank you all for your support, the series seems to be turning into a real winner!
Might have a bash with that cricket bat and the Japanese gun set.^&cool, Robin.

You will be pleased to hear both these sets were popular Robin, RAF001A and RS031B now all sold out here.
I am hoping 3 more new Japanese soldiers will be available in this months release as well as the single figure set FJ023 Tank Hunter with Panzerfaust. Details hopefully will be around the middle of the month!

Best wishes Vicki

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