One More Time (1 Viewer)


Sergeant First Class
Sep 14, 2010
Having downsized a few years ago I am selling some sets I just don't have room for.
But before I sell one more set up
Conte sure made some amazing sets.
About 400 zulu attacking 130 or so 24ft
I had the Zulu sets and the figures & buildings were great. But, and this goes for the Alamo also. You cannot set up different scenerios like you can with WW2 sets etc. So for except maybe once a year they sat in their boxes. I finally sold them a few years back.
Yes there is a limit on set ups.
I didn't even bother to attach all the shields as they are a pain in ...,and likely the reason it didn't get much use.
In a bigger basement it looked quite a bit cooler, with the zulu surrounding the 24th ft.

I would like to set up all the ww 2 sets again but some buildings are being used on a table in the toy room.
I guess it will the Beau Geste set next

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