I don't think Mitch is in any way trying to defend what happened at Oradour. Honestly, any discussion that includes the letters 'SS' becomes a red-flag and always seems to degenerate into a black and white argument with no room for reason. One either hates the SS without reservation or is an apologist. There seems to be no way to discuss facts without bad feelings. This is the nature of SS involved discussions, right or wrong. Just as it is a fact that the SS was condemmed as a criminal organization by the war crimes trials, it is also a fact that not all the Waffen SS members were willing members (many soldiers were drafted into the W-SS, with no say in the matter) and certainly did not buy into the political or racial theories of the SS. This is not an apology, just fact. Believe what you want, but accusing someone of defending the SS is quite a different thing than saying you disagree with their interprutation of events. -- Al