Order of Battle (1 Viewer)


Private 2
Jul 18, 2008
Hello, Doug Dearth here, from the new Order of Battle miniatures. Kinda a neophyte at this so bare with me.
Here are some custom WWI Trench Scenics I'll be selling at the Chicago show. Hope you like 'em! Hope you buy 'em.
Thanks for looking~dOUg

Nice set!!! Definitely will be stopping by to check these out!
Doug...these are excellent! Love the sepia photo as well. I am looking forward to seeing these close up.

are the figures yours or just the terrain pieces? Are the figures ONTC? Are you part of ONTC?

Armchair Warrior
Those are fantastic looking trenches. Very nice work. -- Al

are the figures yours or just the terrain pieces? Are the figures ONTC? Are you part of ONTC?

Armchair Warrior

Yes and no. The figures are old ONTC; I sculpted them. I am no longer a part of ONTC (I don't believe there is an ONTC anymore).

I now run my own company: Order of Battle, visit us at the Chicago Show. We will have custom, hand-made terrain pieces for sale and beer and sandwiches for FREE!

(Am I pushing the beer and sandwiches thing too hard?)

You'll also see what's on the horizon for us here at Order of Battle; figures and scenics from WWI and the American Civil War.

Hope to see you there! And have a beer.
I tell a lie: I did not sculpt all of the figures (as stated in a previous post). The awesome guy in front was sculpted by Ken Osen. Hey Ken! And yes, I am just using him name to gain legitimacy. ;)
Are you going to do strictly WWI items or will you branch out into other eras?Great products by the way.
Are you going to do strictly WWI items or will you branch out into other eras?Great products by the way.

WWI and American Civil War. But there are several other periods/ subjects I would love to do, none of them profitable I'm afraid. Why? What would you like to see?
WWI and American Civil War. But there are several other periods/ subjects I would love to do, none of them profitable I'm afraid. Why? What would you like to see?

Oh, and thanks for the compliment Mark!
I'm primary a French and Indaian War collector.Not the most popular by far.If Last of the Mohicans came out now and not 20 years ago it's popularity would rise dramatically.

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