OTSN 2012 - William Hocker, Proprietor (2 Viewers)


Dec 22, 2005
Gentle Friends,

As anyone who has attended OTSN can testify, the experience is fabulous and full of excitement. And, from my perspective, the room trading is among the most special elements of the show. A show participant can move from room to room hunting for elusive items, looking at new releases, examining wonderful dioramas, and making new friends while renewing warm relationships with old friends.

Since I have been fortunate to attend several OTSN shows, I always visit rooms occupied by my favorite manufacturers and dealers. Needless to say, I never miss the opportunity to visit the room in which you find Mr. William Hocker.

Like many rooms at OTSN, every flat surface (beds, window sills, chest tops, shelves, etc.) are covered with wonderful toy soldiers. And, so it is with Mr. Hocker's room.

In one of my visits to Mr. Hocker's room, I took a few photographs of the many sets he had displayed on his bed. In order to get the feel of the OTSN experience, I thought you might enjoy seeing a portion of his room. Such photographs can be found below. Soon, I will post some more photographs and closer views of the beautiful figures he was offering for sale.

For now, view the photographs and enjoy visiting the room of William Hocker, Proprietor.

More photos to follow.

Warmest personal regards,



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Gentle Friends,

More photos of the sets displayed on Mr. Hocker's bed. Enjoy!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


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Gentle Friends,

Below you will find the final three photos I took of the figures displayed on Mr. Hocker's bed. I hope viewing these photos has helped communicate the spirit of the room trading while also allowing you to see a variety of boxed figures. However,...

Don't go away! I have more photos of Mr. Hocker's figures! Continue to scroll down and you will see closer views of the new figures he has released. Enjoy!

Warmest personal regards,



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Excellent description of what the room trading is all about. The only other show that I know that has room trading -- and it's not as extensive -- is the West Coaster. It almost makes the actual show an afterthought.

Gentle Friends,

Mr. Hocker has released two new lines of figures for the year 2013. The lines are: 1) Types of the Boxer Rebellion and 2) Pancho Villa Punitive Expedition of 1916. And, since I am a huge fan of Mr. Hocker's work, I can only say "WOW!"

Below you will find five photographs of sets belonging to his new Boxer Rebellion line. I cannot tell you how long I stared and examined the set of the Dowager Empress. My response to the set was hypnotic, to say the least.

Well, enough of my reactions to his work. Look below and enjoy the new Boxer Rebellion series!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


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Many Thanks Pat

These photos are terrific. Bill has done a really nice job on the Boxer Rebellion.

Very nice Pat. Well, did you get it? You also told me that you had purchased a very rare set but I don't remember what it was. Maybe you could share that with us.

Gentle Friends,

While I was still breathless from viewing the Boxer Rebellion Chinese figures, I moved to look at the figures associated with the various powers that represented the enemy. My response was, "Oh, my gosh! What a wonderful and unique series!" As you view the photographs below, I think your response will parallel mine.


Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


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Here is a list of the Boxer sets and subjects

Dowager Empress Cixi of China & Retinue 1900 20 pieces
Chinese Imperial Infantry 1900 8 pieces
Chinese Kansu Braves 8 pieces
Imperial Chinese Artillery 1900
Chinese Boxers 1900 16 pieces
Chinese Missionaries & Christians 1900 10 pieces
Legation Civilians in China 1900 11 pieces
US Marines 1900 16 pieces
British Marines in China 1900 8 pieces
$170Since 1983
French & Italian Navy 1900 8 pieces
Japanese Marines & Infantry 1900 8 pieces
Russian Infantry & Navy 1900 8 pieces
Legation International Gun 6 pieces
British Navy 1900
Austrian Navy & German Seebataillon 8 pieces
HM 1st Chinese Regt 8 pieces
Sikh Infantry Advancing 1900 8 pieces
Types of the Allied Force in China 1900 10 pieces
Gentle Friends,

Can you say, "...nearly passed out from lack of oxygen?" Well, that is what my experience seemed to indicate as I moved to view the Poncho Villa figures. Photos of the Poncho Villa figures can be viewed below.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


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Gentle Friends,

More of Poncho Villa. Enjoy!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)


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Gentle Friends,

And,...finally,...we come to the end of my photos of the wonderful Hocker figures. In this last set of three photos, you might notice the airplane Mr. Hocker has created. It is his first plane and we can hope he will consider making more planes in the future. Perhaps some WWI planes? Who knows? But, we can dream, can't we?

I hope you have enjoyed my stroll through the room of William Hocker, proprietor. I know I did!

Oh! I almost forgot! Did I purchase anything I found in his room? Well,...maybe. If I find any such figures in my OTSN loot, I will surely share photos of them.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :smile2:


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Sets and Subjects from Pancho Villa Expedition

US Infantry Marching 1916 $170 8 pieces
US Infantry Firing 1916 $170 8 pieces
US Cavalry 1916 $170 5 pieces
US Army Staff Car 1916 $170 5 pieces
US Army Motorcycle Currier & Officer 1916 $170 5 pieces
US Army 1st Aero Squadron 1916 Curtiss Jenny jn2 $300 4 pieces
Pancho Villa $40 1 piece
Villistas Dismounted 1916 $170 8 pieces
Villista Cavalry 1916 $170 5 pieces
Mexican Mariachi 1916 $170 8 pieces
Very nice Pat. Well, did you get it? You also told me that you had purchased a very rare set but I don't remember what it was. Maybe you could share that with us.


Hi Brad,

Did I get it? You mean the Dowager Empress set? No, I did not, but it was not for lack of wanting it. The simple fact is I needed to watch my budget and there were sooooo many terrific figures I wanted to take home with me.

And, yes, I did purchase a very rare and expensive set which is another reason I felt I had to leave the Dowager Empress set for another time. The rare set is a Christmas present from my wife, Diane, so I am not allowed to view it, display it, photograph it, or otherwise share and/or show it to anyone. In other words, I am instructed to forget what my present will be. :rolleyes2: I must wait until Christmas before I can claim it, so watch my posts in late December for I will most surely want to share it with everyone.

That last paragraph kinda elevates one's curiosity, don't it? ^&grin

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :wink2:
Many Thanks Pat

These photos are terrific. Bill has done a really nice job on the Boxer Rebellion.


Hi Randy,

I am glad you have enjoyed the photos. And, yes, Mr. Hocker has done an excellent job with his new lines. His new figures and lines tempt me beyond belief, but I must maintain some restraint and resist the urge to immediately add them to my collection. As is the case with most of us, there are so many wonderful figures/sets and so little budget.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
And, yes, I did purchase a very rare and expensive set which is another reason I felt I had to leave the Dowager Empress set for another time. The rare set is a Christmas present from my wife, Diane, so I am not allowed to view it, display it, photograph it, or otherwise share and/or show it to anyone. In other words, I am instructed to forget what my present will be. :rolleyes2: I must wait until Christmas before I can claim it, so watch my posts in late December for I will most surely want to share it with everyone.

That last paragraph kinda elevates one's curiosity, don't it? ^&grin

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :wink2:


You have stronger willpower than I do^&grin but we look forward to seeing it in.....approximately 3 months.

Thanks for posting those pics, Pat.
Mr. Hocker added two fine lines to his already impressive and beautiful offerings.
And I am looking forward to seeing the set you already have totally forgotten, when the end of this year comes around and all the Christmas presents are unwrapped :wink2:
3 Guesses on Pat's Christmas Present--95, 100, 128 All of these are listed as N/A.

Since Pat is a Durbar collector I will go with 128. I know he has set 129 which would go with it.


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Gentle Friends,

And,...finally,...we come to the end of my photos of the wonderful Hocker figures. In this last set of three photos, you might notice the airplane Mr. Hocker has created. It is his first plane and we can hope he will consider making more planes in the future. Perhaps some WWI planes? Who knows? But, we can dream, can't we?

I hope you have enjoyed my stroll through the room of William Hocker, proprietor. I know I did!

Oh! I almost forgot! Did I purchase anything I found in his room? Well,...maybe. If I find any such figures in my OTSN loot, I will surely share photos of them.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :smile2:
Great photos Pat. Thank you. Tommy

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