My suggestion for CS: the Jagdtiger commanded by Otto Carius. {sm4}
I realize others have released preassembled Jagdtigers---but not one with the history of Carius. This could be a German version of the CS "In the Mood" Sherman.
Another jagdtiger from a manufacturer would be good to see what another manufacturer would do with it. I don't mind who its linked with. Carius was a established tank man long before he recieved the Jagdtiger so, any german tank could be done to depict Carius. Its similar with people like Wittmann some think he has to have a tiger associated with him. More of wittmanns kills came in stugs etc than any he got in the tiger. a Wittmann stug or carious panzer III does not seem to have the same ring as a seller as a Tiger or Jagdtiger seems!!
Mitch, You may have brought up an interesting idea......Wittmann's Stug ^&confuse
Not sure why the confusion? its a fact that many famous or, I should say high ranked tank aces earned their reputations in the smaller less popular AFV's. Wittman was decorated with the knights cross whilst manning a Tiger I and, everyone thinks, or many do, that he got every kill in the Tiger.
A few more german aces who were more succesful than wittmann say, Kummel, Knispel and many many more depicted would be more interesting than the one regularly rolled out!!!