OWN Imperial Japanese Army (1 Viewer)


Jul 3, 2012
Just finished painting the first four poses of these figures by OWN ("Overall War Nation"). They depict men of the 4th Infantry Regt of the Imperial Japanese Army at the time of the First Sino-Japanese War, circa 1895

Jap Sino War TF 1.jpg
Jap Sino War TF 2.jpg
Jap Sino War TF 3.jpg
Jap Sino War TF 4.jpg
Hi Mike,
very nice and clean painting, fantastic looking figures. Not to forget the excellent photographs. Would you mind telling us what camera/lens combination you have used for these?{sm2}
Just writing my list for Santa.
Thank you for shareing - great stuff!!!
Kind regards
I agree, Mike has shown to be a high quality painter since his time on the forum. {bravo}}

Jeff :salute::
Thanks Jeff.
Hope you enjoyed the London Show last Saturday, I bought a bundle of new plastics, just now need to find the time to paint them!
Shame that those of us who use this forum and visit the show can't ID ourselves somehow and meet up, even if just for a brief chat over coffee.

Hi Mike,
very nice and clean painting, fantastic looking figures. Not to forget the excellent photographs. Would you mind telling us what camera/lens combination you have used for these?{sm2}
Just writing my list for Santa.
Thank you for shareing - great stuff!!!
Kind regards
Thanks for your kind comments Wolfgang.
I use a Canon G12 which has a fixed 28-135 f2.8 lens, nice mid size compact but with total manual overide on almost all features.
I shoot my figures against a white background, usually at around f8.00 plus 1 stop overexposure. Camera set on tripod using natural light at average 1/15 sec.ISO around 80.
I then process pictures using photoshop to arrange layout/montages and add background fades.
I've had the camera about 4 years and I think its been updated to the G13, I would highly recommend it. I bought it as a Backup to my Canon D7 SLR but find I use it as much if not more.
Thank you very much for your kind and detailed answer Mike. Interesting to see the development and usage of system cameras over the years. This Forum has a lot of excellent photographs to offer for the collector.
To me it has allways been a pleasure to gain that litttle bit of knowledge by being allowed to have a glimpse at the "Makeing Of" process. That goes for sculpting , painting and of cause photographing.
Surely enjoyed the photographic proof of your fine painting skills. Hopeing for more in the future{sm4}
Thank you very much once again for your kind report on the "How to" process - I truly appreciate ....
Kind regards
Hi Mike
do you think that you could use these infantry figures as a basis for converting into Japanese Artillery and Cavalry ?

Hi Mike
do you think that you could use these infantry figures as a basis for converting into Japanese Artillery and Cavalry ?

Hi Dave

It may be possible for someone skilled in the art of conversion. Not something that I could do. Artillery would be easier, Cavalry wore boots rather than leggings so would be more difficult.


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