Panther Pause (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Mar 27, 2009
A Panther tank crew pauses to get some info from the ground troops...
(All figures including tank crew K&C : Panther tank from Honour Bound)

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This is an awesome scene Duke. That Panther tank is excellent (surprised it's not K&C). Love the color. Your K&C figures are equally nice. These must be a bit older as I don't recognize them. Nice!
This is an awesome scene Duke. That Panther tank is excellent (surprised it's not K&C). Love the color. Your K&C figures are equally nice. These must be a bit older as I don't recognize them. Nice!

Thanks WO. Some of these soldiers are fairly old and retired years ago.
This would have to be one of your best scenes so far Duke. That HB Panther looks a beaut and your camera work is again very good. Brilliant all round mate.

Duke, This is one of my all time favorites from you. Top Marks ! :salute:: :salute:: :salute::

Another classic duke,you should start a thread like robins mate and put them all in the 1 spot,would make for a great browse.
Great composition and the correct choice of figures .

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