Have always like the meshing for the side skirts but the crew figures aren't the best
I have this tank as well Duke. Mine has come apart with all the skirting and side guards. One day I will get round to glueing them back permanently. Yours looks good. Robin.
Agree Duke he is a great figure and another great set up mate, I passed in this one because like Robin said my other PZ was a pain in the to keep skirts on but always liked it.
Great photos as usual Duke :salute::
I quite like the crewman figure, the mesh side skirts look good too.
Not seen this variant on secondary market and though I'd be tempted if I saw one, I already have Panzer IV's from K&C and TG and need to curb the collecting habit with space at a premium. Hahaha like that is going to happen ! {sm4}