Passengers anymore…? (1 Viewer)

King & Country

May 23, 2005
Hi Guys, hi Patton,

I like passengers too for vehicles… but not every vehicle needs, requires or must have figures to go into it… Figures on foot… such as “Stretcher Bearers” can go alongside a vehicle for instance…

As far as jeeps go… Yes, we’ve done some with just a driver but we’ve also done quite a few with additional figures… Here’s a few examples…

Finally, here’s something that’s coming up… So there’s no need for anyone to hold their breath! PTO

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy some trailers for are AFV would be great thank
The new truck passengers look great .
Me too, I need A LOT of catching up to do . Very hard ( financially) to follow up and be up to date in my collection with all the new WW2 releases
Love the idea Andy, hope you're thinking Great War passengers at some stage as well.....:wink2:

Hi Andy

A BIG thank you for the Morris passengers.:salute::

I look forward to the US and Russian passengers which I'm sure will be forthcoming and I will have to ensure getting the Morris before it is deleted. {sm3}

I won't hold my breath for the other passengers - I don't look with a blue complexion :tongue:

See you in July.

I really like the look of the new Morris passengers. Well done Andy.
Nice to se the BEF returning in their new transport - to take on all those 'Grey Germans"! Hopefully they'll be some more to join them - with an armoured vehicle perhaps?

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