Phillips & Crowley Santiago Fire Update (1 Viewer)


Jan 28, 2006
The Santiago Canyon fire is burning dangerously near both of their homes in Portola Hills. In fact, the fire burned right up to Bob's back yard last night. Six or seven fire fighters were in his back yard and managed to saved his house. His collection was packed up and is at Scot Morlan's house in Costa Mesa for safe keeping.

Neal is packed up and ready to evacuate; at present, it is only suggested but not mandatory. I have called both Bob and Neal and offered to help in any way I can. I worry about Neal, who turns 75 this week end, since he is disabled from the Korean war wounds he received in 1953. He was a USMC forward artillery observer on the MLR. They called in fire on their own position as they were being over run by a Chinese Communist massed attack. Two of the men with him were killed and another had his arm blown off. Sometimes when I read some of the petty drivel and sillyness on this forum, I can only shake my head at the lack of proportionality and importance of things that some people get hung up on.
I hope these two gentlemen are safe along with their homes. I have not heard from my niece yet in Aleiso-Vallejo area. Leadmen

I think your last statement is a bit wee unfair as everything is relative. In the overall scheme of things, some of the discussion fades in importance compared to people losing their lives but I don't believe anybody puts them on the same plane of importance. If they did, there would be no contest. After all, compared to all the misery in this world, this hobby is unimportant but by the same token a hobby is a way to give the mind and body a break from the normal day to day business of living and surviving.

I think your last statement is a bit wee unfair as everything is relative. In the overall scheme of things, some of the discussion fades in importance compared to people losing their lives but I don't believe anybody puts them on the same plane of importance. If they did, there would be no contest. After all, compared to all the misery in this world, this hobby is unimportant but by the same token a hobby is a way to give the mind and body a break from the normal day to day business of living and surviving.


Maybe you are right. My reaction is probably a function of my basic personality in that I do not suffer fools gladly. Furthermore, in the 1960s and 1970s, I use to work for an agency which originated the term, terminate with extreme prejudice, which I subscribe to. So I am more likely to take a hard line than the average guy. I also realize that they are not putting them on the same plane of importance. Our hobby is, in fact, a form of escapism from the real world. But the sillyness and drivel gets to me sometimes, which is why I didn't look at this forum for a period of about nine months.

Maybe you are right. My reaction is probably a function of my basic personality in that I do not suffer fools gladly. Furthermore, in the 1960s and 1970s, I use to work for an agency which originated the term, terminate with extreme prejudice, which I subscribe to. So I am more likely to take a hard line than the average guy. I also realize that they are not putting them on the same plane of importance. Our hobby is, in fact, a form of escapism from the real world. But the sillyness and drivel gets to me sometimes, which is why I didn't look at this forum for a period of about nine months.


Now, that I know who you used to work for, I'll make sure to buy you dinner in Chicago and not outbid you on any auction :)

On a more serious note, I agree with you that there is a lot of chaff that goes with the wheat here but I believe that is in the nature of forums, unfortunately.

Best of luck to everybody in harm's way.


Maybe you are right. My reaction is probably a function of my basic personality in that I do not suffer fools gladly. Furthermore, in the 1960s and 1970s, I use to work for an agency which originated the term, terminate with extreme prejudice, which I subscribe to. So I am more likely to take a hard line than the average guy. I also realize that they are not putting them on the same plane of importance. Our hobby is, in fact, a form of escapism from the real world. But the sillyness and drivel gets to me sometimes, which is why I didn't look at this forum for a period of about nine months.

I understand you 100%. I was on loan to, I'm sure the same group from 1964 to 1971 then retired from US Navy in 1976.
I understand you 100%. I was on loan to, I'm sure the same group from 1964 to 1971 then retired from US Navy in 1976.


We will have to talk sometime. I was a Headquarters liasion officer in 1968 and 1969 working with Naval Intelligence in Arlington, Virginia on a Turkish Straits technical collection operation. BTW, there is a well known figure in the hobby who also worked for the company. Most members of this forum would recognize his name, but I am not going to out him.

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