Super glue will hold but still fragile. Epoxy better, but take five minutes to bond, difficult holding the pcs. together that long.
Here's what I do. If you have a hand held drill motor, find a small bit from local hobby shop. You can use a paper clip for wire. Cut a small straight section, about 15mm, maybe less. Take a file and an exacto knife to make a bonding area cleaned on both pieces, make a spot with zacto knife, a small divit, somewhere to start a PILOT hole . Carefully and slow speed until you get some bite into the piece and drill out. Use the wire as a post/male end , glue both sides with superglue and put together. Hold for a few minutes until bonded. Take some flat black acrylic craft paint, repaint the repaired area.
Boom. Done. 2 small holes, one post for strength a little glue and paint.
You can use a PIN vise drill too { from hobby shop} Tighten the bit , and twist drill by hand. Just make sure you make a divit to seat the bit, so it has somewhere to start drilling into, or else it will spin OFF the target area.
I use an electric cordless drill motor. You can find some very tiny bits. You can start with a smaller one, get a hole going, switch to a larger one and drill size required.
Not hard, wrap your fig in a small hand towel or something similar to protect the trooper, reigns, ect while you work, and hold onto the horses base rather than the wrapped up figure.
I should buy the same vignette you have and some more 105th Ligne.