Picked Up A Few More Inniskilling Dragoons (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Picked up the Guidon bearer, bugler and the dragoon stealing the 105th Line infantry Eagle! Superb figures the detail is amazing!. Opened the 105th line set which was in the box it was shipped to the dealer in and the tail was slightly broken off just hanging on by a thread. Does anyone know how to fix this? Would superglue suffice?

Brilliant sets Britains keep them coming!!

Super glue will hold but still fragile. Epoxy better, but take five minutes to bond, difficult holding the pcs. together that long.
Here's what I do. If you have a hand held drill motor, find a small bit from local hobby shop. You can use a paper clip for wire. Cut a small straight section, about 15mm, maybe less. Take a file and an exacto knife to make a bonding area cleaned on both pieces, make a spot with zacto knife, a small divit, somewhere to start a PILOT hole . Carefully and slow speed until you get some bite into the piece and drill out. Use the wire as a post/male end , glue both sides with superglue and put together. Hold for a few minutes until bonded. Take some flat black acrylic craft paint, repaint the repaired area.
Boom. Done. 2 small holes, one post for strength a little glue and paint.

You can use a PIN vise drill too { from hobby shop} Tighten the bit , and twist drill by hand. Just make sure you make a divit to seat the bit, so it has somewhere to start drilling into, or else it will spin OFF the target area.

I use an electric cordless drill motor. You can find some very tiny bits. You can start with a smaller one, get a hole going, switch to a larger one and drill size required.

Not hard, wrap your fig in a small hand towel or something similar to protect the trooper, reigns, ect while you work, and hold onto the horses base rather than the wrapped up figure.

I should buy the same vignette you have and some more 105th Ligne.
They are great figures, they are among my favorite pieces in my collection. I especially like the Magpie set with the Fusilier and the taking of the Eagle. I'm really looking forward to some additional 105th figures to fill out my scenes.
I second Fubar's advice. When you read in posts by us painters and modelers, that we "pinned" a joint, that's what we mean. The pin will give the joint additional strength against shear forces--the shock of falling over, for example, that would cause an unpinned glue joint to break otherwise.

Personally, I use a pin vise. It takes longer than using a rotary tool but I have better control.

I have the full set of 1st Royal Dragoons from Britains. When did they produce the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons? At Waterloo the regiments of Ponsonby's Union Brigade the Royals had a strength of 394, the Inniskilling had 396 and the Greys had 391 men. Britains have so far produced the Royals and some Scot Greys, but would love have some Inniskilling.
You can tell them apart since the Royals have Blue collar and cuffs while Inniskilling have Yellow collar and cuffs.
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I have the full set of 1st Royal Dragoons from Britains. When did they produce the 6th Inniskilling Dragoons? At Waterloo the regiments of Ponsonby's Union Brigade the Royals had a strength of 394, the Inniskilling had 396 and the Greys had 391 men. Britains have so far produced the Royals and some Scot Greys, but would love have some Inniskilling.
You can tell them apart since the Royals have Blue collar and cuffs while Inniskilling have Yellow collar and cuffs.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks for that information bud! Yeah would be nice to see some iniskilling dragoons!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thanks for that information bud! Yeah would be nice to see some iniskilling dragoons!


Same here. They are easily confused. I've only seen one manufacturer advertising them but they are unpainted plastic. That same manufacturer sells the same figures as Royal Dragoons (different color plastic). You have to go to early Britains in Glossy paint to see samples of Inniskilling Dragoons, but they would be unsuitable and of smaller scale to mix with the present Royals in a diorama. If they are ever introduced in the market place, they need to be in dramatic and different poses to compliment Britains latest release of the 1st Royal Dragoons (see attached image).
6th Inniskilling Dragoon.JPG
Same here. They are easily confused. I've only seen one manufacturer advertising them but they are unpainted plastic. That same manufacturer sells the same figures as Royal Dragoons (different color plastic). You have to go to early Britains in Glossy paint to see samples of Inniskilling Dragoons, but they would be unsuitable and of smaller scale to mix with the present Royals in a diorama. If they are ever introduced in the market place, they need to be in dramatic and different poses to compliment Britains latest release of the 1st Royal Dragoons (see attached image).
View attachment 132182

I make the "Skins" and "Greys" but as they are true 32nd scale they may be a bit small to stand next to new Britains.


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