Pictures of Figarti's First Vietnam Sets (1 Viewer)

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Steven Chong

First Sergeant
Aug 25, 2005
Here are pictures of Figarti's first Vietnam set. Figarti plans on introducing 8 sets at the Chicago show.:)


Behind set is new packaging for Vietnam line.


Soldier holding adult magazine with actual cover reproduced in 1/32 scale!!!:eek:


Notice detailed strap and buckles on the grenade launcher!
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Again nice work with the photos.......say you wouldn't be bringing any

samples back in your luggage would you?

You know we just might check........I used to have connections with the

Airlines. I was a training agent for a large small feeder....okay

I worked for Mohawk Airlines......yes Mohawk the pride of Utica N.Y.

Steven Chong said:
Here are pictures of Figarti's first Vietnam set. Figarti plans on introducing 8 sets at the Chicago show.:)

Steven you have to get Rick come up with the scale Rats, Bugs, and other things that got in your boots and everything you didn't want them in. The troopers look good just to clean.
I agree with Chuck about the guys looking too clean, but I am really impressed with the Vietnam set anyway. Another great move by Rick & the rest of the guys at Figarti. I have been hoping Andy at K&C would do some more Vietnam, but since he didn't, Rick & Figarti wisely filled the void. Good going guys!
This is what I really like about Figarti, they are mainstream but do things that are just a little unusual.
They have come a long way since that first Japanese - Chinese sets.
Some of the best Vietnam figures I've seen, I wonder what the centrefold looks like.
I'm not sure about these and it's not the sculpting.

My son walked by while I was looking at the photos yesterday and told me he couldn't imagine why anybody would want them. I asked why and he said it's because it was a controversial war which we lost and why would anyone want to collect that. He has the same feelings about Iraq which in his opinion is a divisive war (with which I agree). He loves WW 2 stuff and it was actually him who got me involved in this hobby. Wars like WW 2, WW 1, Civil War and so forth have the advantage of time, having had a chance to recede into history. Vietnam hasn't had that chance yet plus, let's face it, the war was lost and it divided American society unlike WW2. I think it will take a long time before it recedes from memory into the realm of history. The Civil War was obviously decisive but that has receded into history as no participants have been alive for a very long time and the wa was fought over 140 years ago.

I'm not trying to make this political but because of its divisive effect, it's just a subject that doesn't appeal to me.

Don't get me wrong, the figures are very nice and the excellent Figarti job, because of the subject matter I just don't find it appealing.
"I'm not trying to make this political but because of its divisive effect, it's just a subject that doesn't appeal to me."

Sorry, you did, There only one difference between the wars of the past and the 2 "present" wars and thats the press.
If there had been a press black out in both those wars, especially Iraq, this would be over and we'ed have won, peace would be at hand. the press built and promotes the insurgency.
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No, I didn't make this political. All I said was that it was divisive. That's pretty much a fact. About half of the country was for it and the other half against it. I'm not taking sides one way or the other.
jazzeum said:
No, I didn't make this political. All I said was that it was divisive. That's pretty much a fact. About half of the country was for it and the other half against it. I'm not taking sides one way or the other.

Sorry Brad,
No offense intended, nothing sets me off faster.
All wars are horrible, and we must all feel bad for our soldiers that suffer and

die so we can enjoy our freedom.

I would like to submit the opinion that we have never been defeated in a

modern war, America simply chooses to take the higher path since we could

simply nuke our enemies back to the stone age.

I wish the option would be explained to the current list of terriorist nations.

Personally I would prefer we make an example of Iran, or Syria, or North

Korea, before we lose one more of our soldiers in this senseless nonsense.

There is a reason you don't walk up to Hulk Hogan and punch him in the seems to me a lot of the worlds punk nations need a refresher


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nmrocks said:
Sorry Brad,
No offense intended, nothing sets me off faster.


None take and none intended from my part either. Just trying to raise a subject for discussion.
Imho, America lost that war because they were confronted with something no great war nation can exterminate to the root, and that was because it was a war of guerilla-warfare tactics, something a country with a normal army cannot control. Just ask the Romans, or Napoleon, because they have been confronted with this kind of warfare, and they received a considerable spanking. You can't stop this kind of violence by rolling over villages and towns with tanks, you have to use common sense and wit, not steel.

As for the "nuking to the stone age"-solution: what do you solve with that? On the long term, diplomacy can have more effect. First you ask them very friendly, and if they don't respond, just give them a (NON-military) spanking, by destroying their economy f.e. Use the good cop- bad cop-model...

But these "terrorists" are not rational, I realise that. But nuking them? You'll only provoke more anger, and more resistance against "the evil super power" that the U.S. of A. is.

Anyways, back to these models, shall we? Very nicely sculpted, and they are tempting me to get into Figarti. Though Vietnam is one range too many, so I'll end up with the ETO French Forces...
I thought the war in Viet Nam was wrong, I think being in Iraq is wrong. Somehow as a military miniture collecter (toy soldier, I thought the latter term made me sound more sophisticated) that has no effect on what I buy.
Soldiers are soldiers and represent that particular time period.
I,m not much into Napolianics but that,s not because I thought Napolean was wrong, plain and simple that time period does not interest me.
One of my favorite lines is Figarti Iraq series and I,m truely looking forward to the upcoming Viet Nam sets.
Funny how a few pictures of upcoming toy soldiers turned into nukeing people back to the stone age.
Isn't it funny that when a country uses restraint when fighting a ruthless

enemy it is seen as a sign of weakness?

I agree that the reason we get involved with other nations, and agree to

fight their battles needs to be discussed with more intelligence.

But once a nation attacks the US, or its soldiers, or citizens I believe we

should respond with such force that no one will attack us again.

There is only one way to deal with a terriorist, bring him what he desires

destruction. As Teddy Roosevelt said "Walk softly but carry a big stick"

How far has anyone gotten with these cowardly individuals that attack

innocent women, children, and men going about their daily lives, then cry

when someone fires back? And we like idiots find ourselves looking at the

carnage and feeling bad. The minute I feel the slightest bit of concern for

so called "Innocent people" I think of the thousands of our countrymen that

simply went to work one day on 911 and never came home.

You let someone fire rockets from your country into another, to kill innocent

people going about their lives you deserve more then someones son coming

to make you please stop. You deserve someones son pushing a button maybe

two or three times.

Then when the next "Spaceball" decides he's going to be the next anti-christ

maybe someone will say "Not from here"

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The reason I might start collecting the Vietnam War stuff , is because they represent U.S. soldiers in a conflict not of their making.They said to an ungrateful nation, that we willingly will put our lives on the line, even for those that might spit on us and our efforts. We, the soldiers do not ask why we fight, because then we might stop and say that some of you are not worth dying for....These are toy soldiers, not trophies for anyone's politics. My son grew up playing with me and toy soldiers ,but he never choose to start his own collecting. We were opposites in politics, but 9-11 changed him and me. I am with John in his approach to resolving these incidences. And my son, realizing that his way was useless in dealing with evil men, signed up for and after 2 years of waiting and 16 weeks of training, will become a federal agent with Dept. of Homeland Security. My soldiers are toys, but our real soldiers should never be toyed with, be it politicians or the surrender America crowd...I grew up in the Vietnam era and still feel ashamed about my generation, who today ,feel that quitting is the better part of valor....Sorry for the rant.....Michael
I hadn't intended to turn this into a political discussion but since I opened the door what can I say? I was looking more for the kind of post that Gary wrote (although without the first paragraph). I'm sure Mom (Shannon) may have something to say when she returns from vacation tomorrow. Better get ready to go the proverbial woodshed.
maddadicus said:
The reason I might start collecting the Vietnam War stuff , is because they represent U.S. soldiers in a conflict not of their making.They said to an ungrateful nation, that we willingly will put our lives on the line, even for those that might spit on us and our efforts. We, the soldiers do not ask why we fight, because then we might stop and say that some of you are not worth dying for....These are toy soldiers, not trophies for anyone's politics. My son grew up playing with me and toy soldiers ,but he never choose to start his own collecting. We were opposites in politics, but 9-11 changed him and me. I am with John in his approach to resolving these incidences. And my son, realizing that his way was useless in dealing with evil men, signed up for and after 2 years of waiting and 16 weeks of training, will become a federal agent with Dept. of Homeland Security. My soldiers are toys, but our real soldiers should never be toyed with, be it politicians or the surrender America crowd...I grew up in the Vietnam era and still feel ashamed about my generation, who today ,feel that quitting is the better part of valor....Sorry for the rant.....Michael

No rant just plan simple truth.

jazzeum said:
I hadn't intended to turn this into a political discussion but since I opened the door what can I say? I was looking more for the kind of post that Gary wrote (although without the first paragraph). I'm sure Mom (Shannon) may have something to say when she returns from vacation tomorrow. Better get ready to go the proverbial woodshed.

Now your going to get it!

Per-chaps you need the services of a good attorney?

I supose a discount would be in order!

It is difficult to exclude politics completely from discussions about war because wars are usually won or lost based on political reasons rather than strength of arms.

However the belief that the US (and Australia) lost the Vietnam war is not factually true. Following more intensive 'smart' bombing of Vietnam installations authorised by Richard Nixon a peace agreement was placed in effect on January 17, 1973. The destruction of a major hydro plant in North Vietnam basically crippled electricity supply in North Vietnam. The last of the American combat troops returned to the US in March 1973. Australian troops left Vietnam in June of 1973 being a platoon that were guarding the Australian embassy in Saigong.

Despite the peace agreement, the North Vietnamese, under cover of darkness, continued low intensity military action up to a major invasion in March and April of 1975 when Saigon fell to North Vietnam. During 1975 the staged scene of the North Vietnam tank(s) attacking the US embassy and subsequent images of the embassy evacuations via US military helicopters to a US aircraft carrier has led many people to believe that US forces were retreating. When in fact they were assisting the evacuation of US embassy civilians together with vulnerable South Vietnamese personnel.

On a personal level the vast majority of people like to stay out of a war which surrounds them. However if one of their family is killed or injured by 'accident', be it a napalm bomb in Vietnam or a guided air to ground missile in Lebanon, other family members will often join the fight. Therefore it is in the interest of those with the big sticks to ensure they use them carefully.
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