pictures - Troops of Time Meet and Greet (1 Viewer)


Mar 11, 2009
Well, I have figured out how to get the pictures off my phone and onto my computer. These are in the order I took them. I wanted to give the feel of how intimate Tim's shop is. There is just so much to look at everywhere. It's in an older house in the historic district of Jacksonville, FL and I could not imagine a better location. A picture of the house is at the bottom of their web site:

Okay here are the pictures - had to reduce them a bit to upload:

more ( sorry they are in packets of four for ease of uploading)


It was nice to see the young boy had a lot of interest in how the product was made. Very sharp kid.

Sorry about the sideways one there - I just could not get it to rotate and stay that way.

I really had a great time, met some really nice people. The last picture here is of Danny, a fellow war gamer and I was fortunate enough to also get to see his game room with table set up for Little Round Top in small 15mm. I told him he has to get his French and Indian Jenkins figures out of the case and onto the table. They need to see action!!! Get to it Danny:)

Again, Tim, Gordon and Jen were so great. It was a very intimate affair, but I think everyone had a great time and got a chance to talk with John about things they would like to see come out in the future. Oh and one more comment, since I did not se this at the show - look at the new flight stands John is working on for the planes. They make dog fighting set ups look really cool. Don't know when they will be out, but I hope soon. One draw back is they will be for future releases - the older planes, unless a restock, don't have the attachment built in.

I hope I can do this again soon, and I hope everyone enjoys the pictures. i am sorry for the delay.

Matthew, thanks for posting the pictures of Tim's shop. It looks like a great place that is really finely finished. I have never seen the shop, so I appreciate the shots of it. Looks like it was a great get together that was well attended. -- Al

Had a great time there myself. It was good to meet you and I enjoyed the conversation at dinner and back at the hotel with you and John. Tim was a wonderful host of course. You couldn't ask for anything better.

Thanks everyone. I have only been to one toy solder show and some war game shows. This event was more like a party in a friends home.

Darrell - Glad you enjoyed it. Tim gets all the credit for hosting this meet and greet, I just took a lot of pictures.^&grin - I enjoyed meeting everyone. It was nice to have you join us for dinner after. And for anyone out there, reading this, I want to put out a plea on Darrell's behalf. I know he would never ask himself, but it's for his 3 and a half year old daughter. She really wants a pink soldier. She has asked Darrell to bring one home from a show and the sad look on her face must be crushing.:( Please PM Darrell if you have a pink soldier for his little girl. Sorry Darrell, but that was too great of a story not to pass it along. And who knows, maybe there is a pink soldier out there four your daughter.:smile2:

I was so tempted to buy some of the military equipment Tim has on display for sale. Would like to dress up my own room with some equipment, but I will have to wait on that.

If you are ever down that way, you have to stop in and see the store. My pictures are missing all the nooks that contain a lot of wonderful old toy soldiers and military equipment and uniforms.

What a COOL looking shop! It looks like a cross between an antique shop and a toy soldier shop!!

Thanks for sharing the photos!

I had the pleasure of visiting Troops of Time last year when I was on vacation. Tim and Gordon made me and my sons very welcome. I hope to visit there again in the not to distant future.

Would like to add my thanks for these pictures!
Indeed a super shop, the feel is just perfect, well done Troops of Time!

Matthew, if you have another image of that dio, would like a close up!
(I can also rotate it for you if you mail it me)
I will take a look at what I have. I think there is a snow diorama as well. I'll try to add them later tonight.

Hello all,
My name is Vince, operating under the handle of Flagmaster (NOT a self-appointed title, I assure you, but one given to me by my fellow wargamers/modelers). I joined the forum because of some of the threads I read posted by Matthew (who, apparently, lives in my neck of the woods) and others commenting on the visit by Mr. John Jenkins to the Troops of Time toy soldier shop, which is owned by my good friend, Tim Tyler. I saw that some people were interested in one of the dioramas shown in Matthew's photos of the meet and greet. As I am the one that made the dioramas, I thought some of you might like to see more photos of both of them. I made these dioramas for my friend, Tim, especially for Mr. Jenkins' visit to his shop and designed them with Mr. Jenkins' figures in mind. So, I have FINALLY managed to upload the photos to two new albums on this site - Autumn and Winter Dioramas. I hope you enjoy them.
Vince: I enjoyed viewing your Autumn and Winter dioramas. The scenes are very good and they make interesting displays. The Bulge and F/I war are my two favorite ares to collect. Welcome to the forum. John
Very nice dios. Really like the autumn set-up with the JJD Indians. The stream is outstanding. -- Al
Nice to see you posting on the forum, great job on those dioramas, you do very good work, maybe I'll have make me one 48 feet long to put on my tables at the Annandale show..............:tongue:................will see you in about 8 weeks, take care and I look forward to seeing more posts from you.........

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