poll for 54 mm lines (2 Viewers)

what 55MM line are you collecting/ going to collect

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Well I am a card carrying member of their flagship line (working on my second 100) but certainly quite impressed with all of them. I hope to dabble in their Crusades line but the temptations of upcoming Napoleonic releases may make that quite a challenge.
I will start off for those in support of the AWI line. While FL has a number of excellent ranges, the AWI is the one for me. It certainly fills a gap in quality that can't be found elsewhere.

Naps is the only series i collect from FL
That's their flagship
by the time i'll be done with Naps i'll be broke
so no use to start another series
so many different countries ,regiments , cavalry and artillery
to be done yet with Naps (love it)
and FL is keeping at it (awsome)
That's where i stand and not moving
Maple Leaf
A close race at the moment, I thought Naps would have run away with it early...Sammy
Naps (Waterloo only), AWI and ACW primarily. Only one or two each of the other lines.
Naps are pulling ahead (as it should be!) Keep in mind this may be a little skewed since so many collect multiple genres.
Napoleonic Line got me started :) then I was pulled in with the best German figures I have ever seen buy anyone and the Stug was just to nice to pass on . I have pre-ordered the first six in the Crusaders line so I guess I'm fighting a three front War ;) Happy collecting Gebhard
Curiosity and I mean no disrespect with this question; I wonder what percent of those being polled here currently collect First Legion.

Please do not get me wrong, they’re great looking but they’re a bit pricy and this poll might be more meaningful if it were taken among First Legion collector.

Yes, I know everyone has a free right to participate regardless but I was just wondering.

Curiosity and I mean no disrespect with this question; I wonder what percent of those being polled here currently collect First Legion.

Please do not get me wrong, they’re great looking but they’re a bit pricy and this poll might be more meaningful if it were taken among First Legion collector.

Yes, I know everyone has a free right to participate regardless but I was just wondering.


Being I started this poll under First Legion I'm more inclined to think those who voted are collectors of First Legion or at least plan on becoming one, about the pricy thing...you get what you pay for...Sammy
I've started collecting FL figures 4 months ago or so.

I've now close to 65-75 figures in my collection ...

In a month I'll have 100 FL figures ...

I'm buying a lot these days since I have to get all the 'old' releases before they're gone ...

I collect 90% Naps and 10% Samurais and will continue to do so ...

Pricey yes, you get what you pay for yes, will I continue to buy FL figures for a long time ... Yes of course !

Now It's pretty sure that my rate of buying will slow a little bit in the future once I will have bought all the older releases I want.

I think FL figures are priced quite right. I'm willing to pay 50$ a figure for that kind of quality and 100-120$ for a mounted one.

What convinced me of that was NOT what I read on this forum or the gorgeous pictures on their website, it was when I opened my 1st FL box and I said to my

wife 'WOW, amazing' and she replied 'he looks very good' :)

Now if those same figures were selling for 100$ for a foot figure, and 200$ for a mounted figure I would find them too pricey for me and I would aim more at

building a Kolobob army instead.

If you don't have any yet in your collection, I would suggest you to buy at least one and see for yourself. If I was in Matt's shoes, I would add something


I don't know if that would help sales :p

Curiosity and I mean no disrespect with this question; I wonder what percent of those being polled here currently collect First Legion.

Please do not get me wrong, they’re great looking but they’re a bit pricy and this poll might be more meaningful if it were taken among First Legion collector.

Yes, I know everyone has a free right to participate regardless but I was just wondering.


Curiosity and I mean no disrespect with this question , but when you say First Legion are "a bit pricey" , I would be interested in knowing what you are basing your statement on :confused: When compared to any company that I'm aware of that are producing comparable Connoisseur level Figures First Legion are about 1/3 third the cost of the others , Making them a True Bargain .

One other question also strictly out of Curiosity do you or are you making any profit from the sale or resale of Toy Soldiers who just may happen to not be First Legion ? I'm just interested in full disclosure ... thanks Carlos in advance for your response . Gebhard
Curiosity and I mean no disrespect with this question; I wonder what percent of those being polled here currently collect First Legion.

Please do not get me wrong, they’re great looking but they’re a bit pricy and this poll might be more meaningful if it were taken among First Legion collector.

Yes, I know everyone has a free right to participate regardless but I was just wondering.


Carlos, "Pricey"???:rolleyes::rolleyes:... Not as pricey as some "K/C retired" on e-bay....and First Legion products are un-surpassed in quality....Better value for the money than K/C retired...I would much rather purchase First Legion products then K/C retired anyday... IMO
Curiosity and I mean no disrespect with this question; I wonder what percent of those being polled here currently collect First Legion.

Please do not get me wrong, they’re great looking but they’re a bit pricy and this poll might be more meaningful if it were taken among First Legion collector.

Yes, I know everyone has a free right to participate regardless but I was just wondering.

LOL, well with all due respect mate, given the question posed by the poll, you may as well ask "I wonder what percentage of the respondents didn't read correctly or didn't answer honestly?":D It may be an open poll but I assume everyone who replied can read and is on their honor to respond to the question as phrased, not as they might like it to be. From my knowledge alone, the poll is very rich with existing collectors and some that have expressed a definite intent to become one.

As to a bit pricey, I think Geb has said it well; price is of course relative and to me that is an old sad song that never had much to recommend it the first time around.;)
My question wasn’t meant to be provocative and offensive. I was truly curious about some of these polls and posts. I’ve been wondering for awhile how valuable they were as informal market research vehicle to various manufacturers. I choose this thread and maybe I should have chosen another polling thread or none at all.

Maybe I should not have used the word “pricy” because it seemed to “ticked-off” some First Legion collectors. So, for those of you with that passion to defend the First Legion shield you WON because I really don’t care. There just seems to be too many other things that more important than choosing up sides on which company is best?

Isn’t wonderful that we all have many high quality choices from so many companies?

Surprise, suprise my WWII is holding it's own against the great Nap collectors!!! come on WWII you can do it:):)...Sammy
My question wasn’t meant to be provocative and offensive. I was truly curious about some of these polls and posts. I’ve been wondering for awhile how valuable they were as informal market research vehicle to various manufacturers. I choose this thread and maybe I should have chosen another polling thread or none at all.

Maybe I should not have used the word “pricy” because it seemed to “ticked-off” some First Legion collectors. So, for those of you with that passion to defend the First Legion shield you WON because I really don’t care. There just seems to be too many other things that more important than choosing up sides on which company is best?

Isn’t wonderful that we all have many high quality choices from so many companies?

I think thou dost protest too much mate.:D I am not "ticked-off" or interested in winning anything or anything else but clarifying the facts. I have also said many times, "best" is a meaningless term without a statement of the criteria that define the claim. I simply gave you my candid impression of your question, which for better or worse I think has the implications I noted. There was no intention of hostility and none taken from yours, simply curiosity. Unfortunately, the price issue has a sordid history here so it does tend to be perceived as a bit provocative, notwithstanding the intent. Anyway, your intent is duly noted and alls well that ends well and yes it is wonderful.:)
My question wasn’t meant to be provocative and offensive. I was truly curious about some of these polls and posts. I’ve been wondering for awhile how valuable they were as informal market research vehicle to various manufacturers. I choose this thread and maybe I should have chosen another polling thread or none at all.

Our old friend Carlos has asked about the usefulness (or not) of these polls to a MFR. It's a fair question and one that I'll happily answer, at least from this niche MFR's perspective. This poll has, what, between 30 and 40 respondants mabye? It's about as useful as that - perhaps a tiny microcosm of the larger collecting community. But if we only had 30 customers, we'd long have gone out of business so we, or any other MFR for that matter, must take these polls with a grain of salt and look at actual sales data to determine what will sell and what won't and how accurately these polls reflect the larger collecting community, the majority of which doesn't frequent toy soldier forums.

As for how many of the respondants are actual customers vs. those just picking things they like, well, I can't map each person's TF identity to a real name, but I'd say the overwhelming majority are active First Legion collectors. There are a few, such as yourself, that I don't believe are, but most of them are.

Oh, and our figures may be "pricey" relative to what you collect, but for many of our customers they're extremely inexpensive relative to what they might collect. 'nuff said on the price issue, it's been beaten to death. Some folks are happy with less expensive alternatives, some folks want other options. Neither is better or worse, it's just personal preference and how much you want to spend on these types of luxury items. "Buy what you like and what you can afford" probably does phrase it best!


Ur right Vezzolf
Last night sold on ebay KC DD022 for $385
KC AK027 for $251.50 KC RO14 for $366.99
last week or 10 days ago LAH 036 sold for $433 for a total of $1436.49
So far i bought from FL the British artillery with 6 figures
also 7 First Foot Guard and the mounted colonel
Lord Uxbridge with one dragoon escort . cost $990 for 16 FL figures
Compare 16 figures to 4 with $446 difference which could buy 8-9 mores
I do collect KC just got my Spit yesterday and ambulance 2 days ago
with the girls.
Pricy or not i got more for my money
Each his own

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