Well let's find out?Now guys i was just wondering if each of us
had to make just one(1) choice
what would the pol look like?
which line u would go with as ur only one
Our old friend Carlos has asked about the usefulness (or not) of these polls to a MFR. It's a fair question and one that I'll happily answer, at least from this niche MFR's perspective. This poll has, what, between 30 and 40 respondants mabye? It's about as useful as that - perhaps a tiny microcosm of the larger collecting community. But if we only had 30 customers, we'd long have gone out of business so we, or any other MFR for that matter, must take these polls with a grain of salt and look at actual sales data to determine what will sell and what won't and how accurately these polls reflect the larger collecting community, the majority of which doesn't frequent toy soldier forums.
As for how many of the respondants are actual customers vs. those just picking things they like, well, I can't map each person's TF identity to a real name, but I'd say the overwhelming majority are active First Legion collectors. There are a few, such as yourself, that I don't believe are, but most of them are.
Oh, and our figures may be "pricey" relative to what you collect, but for many of our customers they're extremely inexpensive relative to what they might collect. 'nuff said on the price issue, it's been beaten to death. Some folks are happy with less expensive alternatives, some folks want other options. Neither is better or worse, it's just personal preference and how much you want to spend on these types of luxury items. "Buy what you like and what you can afford" probably does phrase it best!
Nice try Sammy but you are mixing fruit and vegetables with that comment I am afraid. This poll represents ALL FL lines that you will or plan on collecting. Mine asks which line is your favorite. So for the issue of the "flagship", the other poll is much more relevant. Fear not though, I am sure you will get enough rapid fire weapons and their wielders to satisfy you.on my poll looks like a much closer race on the lines then the other poll, don't count your Naps to quickly might be the flagship now, but we never know what the future may will bring...Sammy
Come on guys I need one more WWII vote to tie this poll up with the Naps!!!...Sammy
I am actually kind of suprised with the fairly even voting. While each of FL's lines are great in thier own right, I didn't expect such even distribution when it came down to which ranges guys were actually collecting. That says that either FL has it right on and is producing just what people want, or thier products are that good.
Or, perhaps most likely, it is both of those reasons!
I think you right on both accounts I voted for three and would have voted for more if I had the space . It's gonna be very interesting to see what will happen if they put forth new lines in which I have a dedicated collecting interest such as Rome and her enemies , FdG and the seven years war, The Franco Prussian war , WWI .. Oh God help me as it will have to be time to tighten the belt . Happy Collecting Gebhard
Roger that Sammy; they have to finish the Peninsula for me among other things. This forum is interesting but I don't think it is necessarily representative, especially for the smaller manufacturers. So the small margin here may look quite different worldwide.Well the poll is closed and I think it shows very well alot of interest in all of the lines, not just my poll but the other poll as well, I know it is just a small margin of the people who actually buy First Legion but it's good to know we have alot of forum members who are interested in various lines, (even though we know WWII is the best) so let's all keep buying and making sure First Legion has job security which makes all of us very happy with new releases from all the lines for years to come...Sammy