Hi ,
I'm really not sure what your saying as my question was poised to collectors and possible future collectors and what Battle they may like to see First legion tackle next. I'm sure your aware that first Legion already gears their figure releases around specific Battles ie Borodino 1812 and Waterloo 1815 tons of crossover potential to be sure . One of my main points of interest is the Befreiungskriege 1813-15 , but I love the period from beginning to end . I'm sure First legion could keep me broke for years if they just covered all the participants of Borodino and Waterloo

but not all the combatants are represented in these two Battles and I'm sure there are collectors looking for more..... there are some still deserving of First Legions attention

. I was interested in hearing what fellow collectors would like to see next if there was a next .....Bill would vote for the Peninsula of course but what about you and the others

could be interesting for sure

I think First legion could even do a great job covering the period of 1789-99 that would open up some great potential for future releases, who knows maybe down the road we will see it
