Poll For New Zulu Range (1 Viewer)

What AZW action would you like recreated by WB?

  • Myer's Drift (Ntombe)

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Ulundi

    Votes: 6 30.0%
  • Hlobane

    Votes: 3 15.0%
  • Khambula

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gingindlovu

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Nyezane

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Eshowe

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Prince Imperial

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • You don't care you only like kwaJim & iSandlwana

    Votes: 6 30.0%

  • Total voters


Dec 2, 2007
We seem to be reaching the denouement of the Rorke's Drift Range and iSandlwana probably needs a few more characters added such as Charlie Pope & Godwin-Austen, Reggie Younghusband, Anstey and Curling plus the NNC are few and far between.

So, what action from the Zulu War would people like to see next?

My personal preference is Ntombe with the 80th and abaQulusi Zulus. Some of the 80th were caught out naked so WB will need to give them some underwear! But it is a relatively small and manageable action to build into a diorama. The likes of Ulundi, Khambula and Gingindlovu are just too vast and although this would give WB room for expansion it's not one I could recreate, so would look to collect something else.
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Good thread.

I voted for Ulundi mainly because I think 17th Lancers would be a good option. Could also do the burning of the Zulu camp. A lot of different units so as you say might be too big a battle. Included gattling guns.

Prince Imperial woould make for a good little scene.

Either way we do need Chelmsford and Cetswayo at some time plus a few of the other senior British officers.

We seem to be reaching the denouement of the Rorke's Drift Range and iSandlwana probably needs a few more characters added such as Charlie Pope & Godwin-Austen, Reggie Younghusband, Anstey and Curling plus the NNC are few and far between.

So, what action from the Zulu War would people like to see next?

My personal preference is Ntombe with the 80th and abaQulusi Zulus. Some of the 80th were caught out naked so WB will need to give them some underwear! But it is a relatively small and manageable action to build into a diorama. The likes of Ulundi, Khambula and Gingindlovu are just too vast and although this would give WB room for expansion it's not one I could recreate, so would look to collect something else.

Thanks for putting this poll up! We do have another solid two to three years worth of Rorke's to make if you can believe it! Some wonderful hand to hand sets (Ken just finished two of the most amazing sets I have ever seen), personalities, and of course Zulus. As Joe is more than happy to point out - we have many more personalities to do - don't worry Joe - we will get there!
Isandlwana as you say needs some NNC, other mounted troops, some of the "last stands" and personalities, the list is long and runs to at least another 2-3 years (if you all keep buying it!!??). So, all that said, personally I have been itching to get into some 17th Lancers, KDG, Gatling, 91st, 60th, and Chelmsford and staff, but do not want to even attempt a comprehensive Ulundi or other battle. Could every one get their head around a measured release of "Regiments/Units of the Zulu War" or some such snappy title? Wonder if you want to add this option to the poll?

Again, thank you for doing this and look forward to everyones feedback.

Thanks for putting this poll up! We do have another solid two to three years worth of Rorke's to make if you can believe it! Some wonderful hand to hand sets (Ken just finished two of the most amazing sets I have ever seen), personalities, and of course Zulus. As Joe is more than happy to point out - we have many more personalities to do - don't worry Joe - we will get there!
Isandlwana as you say needs some NNC, other mounted troops, some of the "last stands" and personalities, the list is long and runs to at least another 2-3 years (if you all keep buying it!!??). So, all that said, personally I have been itching to get into some 17th Lancers, KDG, Gatling, 91st, 60th, and Chelmsford and staff, but do not want to even attempt a comprehensive Ulundi or other battle. Could every one get their head around a measured release of "Regiments/Units of the Zulu War" or some such snappy title? Wonder if you want to add this option to the poll?

Again, thank you for doing this and look forward to everyones feedback.


Glad to hear your stayig on course Richard as I' sure you may be aware of the following an by chance you are not along with others there's many units of the British and Colonial Troops that need to be covered as the series continues over the coming years. Hopefully you'll stay on track and that the hand to hand sets are made up of single figures not attached to the same bases and thanks for the update Richard...........Joe

British Regiments which took part in the Anglo-Zulu War. 1st (King’s Dragoon Guards) 17th (Duke of Cambridge’s Own Lancers) 3rd (East Kent (Buffs) 4th (King’s Own Regiment) 13th (1st Somersetshire) 21st (Royal North British Fusiliers) 24th (2nd Warwickshire) 57th (West Middlesex) 58th (Rutlandshire) 60th (King’s Royal Rifle Corps) 80th (Staffordshire Volunteers) 88th (The Connaught Rangers) 90th (Perthshire Volunteers) 91st (Argyllshire Highlanders) 94th (The Scotch Brigade) 99th (Duke of Edinburgh’s Lanarkshire) Commissariat & Transport Dept. Army Service Corps, Army Hospital Staff Army Hospital Corps,Ordnance Store Branch & Corps,Royal Engineers Royal Regiment of Artillery,General H.Q. Staff,Army Chaplains’ Dept.

Alexandra Mounted Rifles,amaNgwane Scouts,amaBomvu Corps,Baker’s Horse,Border Guard,Border Guard Reserve,Border Horse, aka Weatherley’s Border Lancers,Buffalo Border Guard,Burgher Force, aka Uys’ Commando,Carbutt’s Border Rangers,Dunn’s Scouts,Durban Mounted Reserve,Durban Mounted Rifles,Durban Volunteer Artillery,Fairlie's Native Police,Ferreira’s Horse,Frontier Light Horse,Indian Corps,Isipingo Mounted Rifles,Ixopo Mounted Contingent,Jantze’s Native Horse,Kaffrarian Rifles, aka Kaffrarian Vanguard,Lonsdale’s Mounted Rifles, aka Lonsdale’s Horse,Mafunzi’s Mounted Natives,Natal Carbineers,Natal Horse (No 1 Troop - de Burgh; No 2 Troop – Cooke & No 3 Troop – Bettington),Natal Hussars,Natal Light Horse,Natal Mounted Police,Natal Native Contingent,Natal Native Horse, formerly Natal Native Mounted Contingent,Natal Native Pioneers,Natal Volunteer Guides (Composite Unit),Native Zulu Carriers,Newcastle Mounted Rifles,Newcastle Scouts,Pietermaritzburg Rifles,Royal Durban Rifles,Shepstone’s Native Horse,Stanger Mounted Rifles,Teteleku’s Mounted Natives,Transvaal Rangers,Utrecht Native Levies ,Victoria Mounted Rifles,Vos's Native Levies,Weenen Yeomanry,Wood’s Irregulars,Wood’s Scouts.

And Let's not forget the Zulus

Anglo-Zulu Regiments Corps, War Dress weapons and Tatics. USixepi Corps,USixepi v,Nokenke ,UmBelele Corps,Umbelele ,UmHlanga,UMhlambongwenya Corps,Umhlambongwenya ,UmXapo ,UDukuza Corps,Udukuza ,Iqwa ,Bulawayo Corps,Bulawayo v,Nsugamgeni ,UDlambedhlu Corps.Udlambedhlu Ngwekwe ,Ngulubi ,Nodwengu Corps .UmKhlulutshane negligible,UmSikaba ,Udududu ,Mbubi ,Isanqu ,Undi Corps,Uthulwane ,Nkonkone ,Ndhlondhlo ,InDlu-yengwe ,InGobamakhos ,UDhloko Corps,Udhloko ,AmaKwenke ,UmCijo Corps,UmCijo ,UnQakamatye Umtulisazwi ,UVe Corps,UVe ,Umzinyati ,UmBonambi Corps,UmBonambi ,Amashutu
Moderator: Moderators
I would like to concentrate on Isandlwana and Rorkes Drift for now and as they get closer to being finished (even if it takes 2 to 3 years or more) then start on another battle. I think you can have too much and then it becomes muddled.

I would love to see some 17th Lancers and KDG but lets finish what we have started first.

Richard are the new RD figures limited editions?
Thanks for the response Richard.

I must admit I'm at a tricky phase of collecting given that I am a fully paid up member of the AZW line. Your WW1 range was too good to resist plus I am in the midst of collecting the very impressive Australian Lighthorse from K&C. I suppose I should be thankful that K&C do have an end to their lines and it's just a personal preference but although I like beginnings I also like to know there is a finishing line too.

Rorke's Drift and iSandlwana resonate much more than any other action because they have been written/spoken about more than any of the other engagements and I suspect you may be feeding this cow for longer than 2-3 years you currently envisage. The Zulu regiments sounds ideal to me. We have far too many redcoats. They currently outnumber the Zulus!!!

You may disagree with me but I was talking to a stockist who decided to not stock the War Along The Nile series because, like me, they thought the literature on the first campaigns had not engendered enough interest in the subject. I've read a few books but my interest never really held either. It's nowhere near as engaging as the AZW. Again, only my opinion but Omdurman may have been a better option. It's a shame Maiwand hasn't received the literary attention it deserves.

If you're able to advise can you tell how the new WW1 sets are going? I know I've heard a lot of positive comments, mine included but wondered if you could already tell whether these comments were translating into good sales? I do hope so. I'm desparate for Gallipoli!!!
Richard- When I say "please", as in please make Napoleon IV and a little scene accompanying, I really mean "PLEASE".

Good poll mate, I voted for Hlobane by the way. The running fight between the Zulus and the mounted figures would I believe give some good display possibilities (and some mountain modelling).

My main interest lies with Isandlwana and I believe that this battle still has a way to go (10 years at least if not more). I would love to see more personality figures such as Pulleine and the company commanders. I would also like to see some new sets similar to 20024 the closing stages of Isandlwana, such as the last charge of Captain Younghusband or William Aynsley, defending himself with his cutlass, with his back to a wagon. Still along way to go with this series.

I disagree with your comment about the choice of battle for the Sudan series. Omdurman was a slaughter, where the Mahdists had absolutely no chance of winning (granted Churchill and the Lancers had a fight). Both the early battles are well documented and the breaking of a British square and the resultant close combat (similar to Rorkes Drift and Isandlwana in a way ) has given us many diorama possibilities. I collect this series with the Camel Corps being my favourite figures in my collection - I just worry that with all three British Regiments/Corps and their opponents being retired the War along the Nile series is either coming to an end or be one of those which gain one or two releases a year (such as this year with the release of the Gatling and a couple of Naval figures -already pre-ordered by the way).

I would love to see a Maiwand range from Britains, the 66th and the last eleven (maybe a certain Doctor Watson, perhaps).

Hoping to pick up the new WWI (and more Zulu) figures in London next week - looks to be a cracking new range.


Yes all the points made by Andy make sense so my vote would be the same, but happy to take whatever Britain's have in store for us in the future, cheers, Robin.
Thanks for putting this poll up! We do have another solid two to three years worth of Rorke's to make if you can believe it! Some wonderful hand to hand sets (Ken just finished two of the most amazing sets I have ever seen), personalities, and of course Zulus. As Joe is more than happy to point out - we have many more personalities to do - don't worry Joe - we will get there!

Again, thank you for doing this and look forward to everyones feedback.


Glad to hear there will be more RD for a few more years although my diorama may need an extension!

Any chance of some scoop photos of what's in store, especially the hand to hand sets?

Good poll mate, I voted for Hlobane by the way. The running fight between the Zulus and the mounted figures would I believe give some good display possibilities (and some mountain modelling).

My main interest lies with Isandlwana and I believe that this battle still has a way to go (10 years at least if not more). I would love to see more personality figures such as Pulleine and the company commanders. I would also like to see some new sets similar to 20024 the closing stages of Isandlwana, such as the last charge of Captain Younghusband or William Aynsley, defending himself with his cutlass, with his back to a wagon. Still along way to go with this series.

I disagree with your comment about the choice of battle for the Sudan series. Omdurman was a slaughter, where the Mahdists had absolutely no chance of winning (granted Churchill and the Lancers had a fight). Both the early battles are well documented and the breaking of a British square and the resultant close combat (similar to Rorkes Drift and Isandlwana in a way ) has given us many diorama possibilities. I collect this series with the Camel Corps being my favourite figures in my collection - I just worry that with all three British Regiments/Corps and their opponents being retired the War along the Nile series is either coming to an end or be one of those which gain one or two releases a year (such as this year with the release of the Gatling and a couple of Naval figures -already pre-ordered by the way).

I would love to see a Maiwand range from Britains, the 66th and the last eleven (maybe a certain Doctor Watson, perhaps).

Hoping to pick up the new WWI (and more Zulu) figures in London next week - looks to be a cracking new range.



When I think of the Sudan I think of Gordon and Omdurman including the charge of the 21st Lancers with a certain Mr Churchill. Gordon has been brilliantly portrayed by John Jenkins and probably doesn't need revisiting any time soon by other manufacturers but the charge of the 21st. Imagine that!

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