Poll:K&C Wish list (1 Viewer)


Apr 22, 2005
Not to steal your thunder Desert Fox but someone suggested a thread with this title so here it is.Maybe Shannon can forward or Andy will scout this out and award the best idea with a prize.Heck if its that good maybe an autographed piece of the finalized idea.Of course I would imagine Andy gets swamped with ideas all the time.
Here is mine:
1)Nebelwerfer with crew
2)Wespe,Hummel or Nashorn
3)British Cromwell
4)Advancing Rangers with bangladore tubes(sorry if spelling is way off) to blow holes in that Kraut barbwire
5)DAK Tiger
6)More wounded or dead US and Germans
7)German 105 artillary piece
8)Horse drawn artillary
Thats all for now...
I think to do a poll so people can vote, you need to click at the bottom of the page when you start a new thread.

BTW, I think I heard Andy say at the symposium that he was thinking of doing a wespe.


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Realistic WWII sets must have casualties, lots of them, all around the battlefield, either fallen or falling, that's one of my wishes.
Another one is a renewall of the Stalingrad sets, one of the key turning moments of the war.
I would also like a beach, with black sand, no log bunkers ( this I'm told ), for Iwo Jima.
The Bulge also needs more figures, I think.
What about a Crommwell tank?

That's a GREAT List Fullyautomatic; but you forgot to ad these on: Elephant--for the Bulge------WINTER Tiger I Tank----Jadgtiger-----Panzer IV Winter------88th Gun Winter-DAK and Wehrmacht Grey--with ALL Crews; RSO-Towing Pak 40----Sherman ( Firefly )--Kettenkrad-Towing Small Supply Trailer!
How about a recent Kubelwagon and Motorcycle with sidecar (german), as a new collector these are classic vehicles you just cant get.
OK, so how about some more Allied stuff? Here's my "wish list"...

1) an updated US M3A1 APC halftrack - could be marked for the Bulge series and/or the DDay series - both are correct

2) a US 105mm howitzer and crew - this weapon served from North Africa to the Elbe in Europe, in the Pacific (both Army and Marines), in Italy, all through Korea, and into VietNam. Quite a long history for one weapon - the Germans didn't manage to produce anything that lastedthat long except the Mauser rifles! Andy could create the molds for the weapon and have different crews and paint jobs as appropriate (yes I am aware that Britains DID do the gun with a WW2 crew - but they sure are NOT K&C quality!)

3) a Sherman M4A1 Duplex Drive for the DDay series. The M4A1 was used by the US forces and a couple of the British units, whereas the British DD's (based on M4A2 and M4A4) were mainly used by Commonwealth units. I have built one in 1/72nd scale - an interesting Sherman variant.

4) another late model Sherman for the Battle of the Bulge series. K&C could take the basic hull of the M4A3 105 howitzer and revise the stowage and change the turret to a 75mm or 76mm - both saw lots of action in the Ardennes

5) As an addendum to the Rangers DDay series, K&C could add some of the Army-Navy combined engineers teams. A four figure set with a demo team, a signalman and maybe a casualty (these outfits took heavy losses). Some of these guys had the Combined Engineer insinia in red on their helmets, and some had the Navy grey stripe on the lower edge of the helmets. Extra insignia detail like this is one of the things K&C figures really shine at and it makes the figures unique.

6) I agree that some more casualties are needed for combat scenes. For those of us who build smaller scenes, maybe casualties could come in two-figure packs? A couple US Battle of the Bulge casualties along with a couple Germans would add to the scene.

7) a revised/updated M5A1 light tank. The early one was OK, but not on par with current K&C tanks. These little tanks equipped one out of four companies in each tank battalion. Could be added to either the DDay series (maybe with wading stacks?) or the Battle of the Bulge series (with heaps of external stowage).

Kind of wordy, but there are some of my suggestions.
World War I , Highlanders (Victorian era) & of course as much WW 2 as is feasible!!!
Also ,some SS foreign legions...Pz Gren division Wallonie,Gren Division Charlemagne,Viking...and cossacks...wish wish...
Hope you guys voted in the poll I started. I thing Andy will pay more attention if he has actual numbers he can look at.
I'm not sure if it's been mentioned before but how about some Allied artillery? The WWII Allied sets of late have been mainly infantry. Have a look at Mountford miniatures metal kits: they do Twin Lewis guns, 20 mm Oerlikon AA guns, 40 mm Twin Bofors AA guns (incl a land-based version), 40 mm Rolls Royce AA gun, 2 lb Rolls Royce gun, 3 lb Hotchkiss deck gun, 3.7 inch AA gun. If K&C were to consider some land and naval artillery sets with crew they could make excellent display pieces. (And given the imaginative and interesting poses in the existing WS and DD ranges I'd envisage a stampede from non-K&C people if Andy was to take the plunge so to speak).

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