Possible new Australian flag according to survey. (1 Viewer)

Gents and fellow Australians,

(1) If you have every carried a coffin of a fallen mate draped with the Aussie flag you will all understand that he fought and died for his country and mates under this flag. Change it over my dead body. I will never stop flying this flag from my flagpole no matter what some dumb arse leftist politician tries to make me do. You took my guns but you will never take my flag.

(2) Australian of The Year. An outstanding choice for a man who as General of the Army changed the thinking towards female members and the culture of bullying of members in the forces.

Just my two cents worth while this is still a FREE country

Cheers Howard:salute::

I agree with you on the part about changing thinking towards females and bullying. However I saw two interviews with him yesterday and have read much about his priorities which are in no particular order : gay marriage, republic, diversity, domestic violence. All PC type subjects.

My issue with the General is that he has not mentioned one single issue relating to the well being of the soldiers and ex soldiers. Things like PTSD, suicide rate, taking care of the wounded, homelessness and support for welfare organisations such as Soldier On, Legacy, Mates 4 Mates. Not one word about any of it. Only comment Army related was when he said he had increased women in Army by 2%. Since he served for 36 years with Army it seems odd that he has not expressed any support for the troops.

The General is Chairman of the Diversity Council. Probably not noticed that the 8 person leadership team is entirely female.

Talking of diversity Qld Police just directed that females make up 50% of new recruits. Another example of PC going too far.

So whilst he may have said great things about females and bullying etc I have more confidence in the group of generals behind him who have far more operational experience in terms of special forces command and operational deployments.

Will be interesting to see how long before he remembers the soldiers.
Having recently visited the Canadian monuments on the Western Front, I did not notice any comments about the sacrifices being made under a different flag. That change for the future appears not to have diminished the memories. And your flag looks great Terry. I think there is a fear that we might fly the kangaroo just as QANTAS crashes or worse, honour the failed Eureka uprising with a pure Southern Cross 😄.

I'm sure there were comments about the sacrifices being made under a different flag There was quite a battle over the flag and the Aussie flag debate very much reminds me of that.



I can't believe it, you have to be kidding. I HATE it. You have a great flag, why change it? It is known, recognized, and respected by everyone. Besides, the Solomon Islands already has a flag that is very similar and we might get them mixed up.


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I can't believe it, you have to be kidding. I HATE it. You have a great flag, why change it? It is known, recognized, and respected by everyone. Besides, the Solomon Islands already has a flag that is very similar and we might get them mixed up.

Well spotted. That design probably one of the better ones I have seen but as you noted too close to Solomons.

Themes high in peoples thoughts are red/white/blue for the UK connection. Stars are important and green and gold as worn by most international sports teams. Red, black and yellow are the colours of Aboriginal flag which also will be possible factors. Difficult to include them all without making it a mess.

Without doubt one of the best flag designs of recent years was the new South African flag. I have a rugby shirt with that design which was a gift (not worn to Australian sporting events !).
I'll put two bobs worth in again and say that I don't favour changing the flag even when the inevitable happens and Australia becomes a republic, no need to change it. But if the people and only the people want a change I believe this is the best....................

Take out the Union Jack and make no other changes, still recognizable as the Australian flag.......... but again if we get a say I reckon the majority will vote to leave as it is.

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I'm sure there were comments about the sacrifices being made under a different flag There was quite a battle over the flag and the Aussie flag debate very much reminds me of that.


Thanks Terry. I am getting on but by recent I meant a few months ago 😄. A half a century after the change, the crowds attracted to the memorials do not discuss that change and bus loads of school children of all ages honour the memory. The same can be said of the Delville Wood memorial to South Africa :salute:: I cannot see any evidence that a change of symbol alters history.

I have it on "good authority" that poll/survey was done in Nova Scotia...:smile2:

Texas was a Republic with the same flag, became apart of the Union with the same flag and always threatens to secede with the same flag. Australia is recognized, respected and hailed for their flag and I hope that y'all keep it with or with out the Crown. By the way, why are you all still apart of the Crown anyway?

John from Texas

Well John, you have to go back to 1804...It just did not go as planned!

I have some Republican tendencies and I think I voted for it in the referendom 20ish years ago. The reason it lost was that most people didn't like the model where the existing parliament selected the president. It seems people wanted to do that themselves but I thought it would generally lead to former cricket captains getting the nod. No sense complicating our already messy govt operations with another tier. I'd be happy with NO president, just the elected PM doing the job.

I could go either way on the flag. The Southern Cross must remain but what else? Other countries feature significant animals or birds, so maybe the right style of kangaroo would work. Given we have a unique island, maybe the whole thing could be the background? Truly though, there's no great mood for change. I can't see the debate going anywhere significant.
I have some Republican tendencies and I think I voted for it in the referendom 20ish years ago. The reason it lost was that most people didn't like the model where the existing parliament selected the president. It seems people wanted to do that themselves but I thought it would generally lead to former cricket captains getting the nod. No sense complicating our already messy govt operations with another tier. I'd be happy with NO president, just the elected PM doing the job.

I could go either way on the flag. The Southern Cross must remain but what else? Other countries feature significant animals or birds, so maybe the right style of kangaroo would work. Given we have a unique island, maybe the whole thing could be the background? Truly though, there's no great mood for change. I can't see the debate going anywhere significant.
I do believe if the question asked during the referendum had been a simple do you want Australia to become a Republic....'YES' or 'NO' it would've got up but the question was deliberately framed by the then PM in such a way knowing it would be rejected. Now we have a PM and all the state leaders in favour of a Republic (WA wouldn't sign the pact but is none the less in favour) so hopefully we may see it come about soon. Must say it may not be until Liz passes mind, don't think many here want to have Charlie as their King. :rolleyes2:
I do believe if the question asked during the referendum had been a simple do you want Australia to become a Republic....'YES' or 'NO' it would've got up but the question was deliberately framed by the then PM in such a way knowing it would be rejected.

Yes ... and no. It offered all the options equally. Why should people have had to vote 'Yes' for a republic without knowing what format it would take? Two votes, one for Yes or No, followed by a separate one for what type of republic could lead to the disaster of having a new form of government that two thirds of Australia voted against. Hardly democratic.
I have some Republican tendencies and I think I voted for it in the referendom 20ish years ago. The reason it lost was that most people didn't like the model where the existing parliament selected the president. It seems people wanted to do that themselves but I thought it would generally lead to former cricket captains getting the nod. No sense complicating our already messy govt operations with another tier. I'd be happy with NO president, just the elected PM doing the job.

I could go either way on the flag. The Southern Cross must remain but what else? Other countries feature significant animals or birds, so maybe the right style of kangaroo would work. Given we have a unique island, maybe the whole thing could be the background? Truly though, there's no great mood for change. I can't see the debate going anywhere significant.

You cannot remember how you voted??
I'll put two bobs worth in again and say that I don't favour changing the flag even when the inevitable happens and Australia becomes a republic, no need to change it. But if the people and only the people want a change I believe this is the best....................

Take out the Union Jack and make no other changes, still recognizable as the Australian flag.......... but again if we get a say I reckon the majority will vote to leave as it is.


It is one of the better ones ... still awful though. No heart!
Reminds me of the flag debate in Canada in the early 1960s. Canada had 2 flags. The official flag was the Union Jack and the unofficial flag was the Red Ensign which had a Union Jack in the top left corner and the Canadian Coat of Arms in the centre of the flag. The Red Ensign became Canada's official flag in 1945. But the real debate was prior to Canada's Centennial. Some voices wanted to keep the Red Ensign, some wanted a new flag but one which retained the union Jack and some wanted a new flag with no Union Jack. Sounds like the current Aussie debate. We ended up with the red and white Maple Leaf Flag. Not a bad looking flag especially when compared to some of the monstrosities suggested.


At least the 'new' Canadian flag looks stunning, while the suggestions we are seeing are an embarrassment.
Yes ... and no. It offered all the options equally. Why should people have had to vote 'Yes' for a republic without knowing what format it would take? Two votes, one for Yes or No, followed by a separate one for what type of republic could lead to the disaster of having a new form of government that two thirds of Australia voted against. Hardly democratic.
Ah I know better than to debate with you as you will not change from being a Monarchist nor I a Republican, but that is the wonderful thing about our country, for most of our existence we have been able to disagree and argue without shedding each others blood. Our country is without doubt unique on this troubled planet and long may it stay that way. I may be naïve but I just think all that we need do is just change the Head of State from the Queen to the GG and call him/her the Pres and leave every thing else the same.
You're right Wayne, it was designed to fail.

And Jack, it's been a long time since I've thought about all this. Remember I used to be a Left Winger - just one who supported harsh penalties for crime, the church, farmers, banks, the military etc...
It is one of the better ones ... still awful though. No heart!
Again I state clearly I don't want a change of flag, but the only difference here is no Union Jack which takes up less than 1/3 of the flag so therefore are you saying that more than 2/3 of the current flag is heartless?.......:wink2:
Ok you blokes, stop your squabbling, this is what the new Oz flag should look like...^&grin



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In the mean time you guys can use this one, I mean you do have a town named Texas after all...


John from Texas
Why dosent Oz just make the new flag a piece of pavlova. That way you can really have a non rugby argument with New Zealand.

Wow is that proposed flag horrible. Never thought I would see the day when two major crown related south Pacific countries would contemplate changing their colors. At nearly the same time to boot.

If you guys need some real political help we can send Donald Trump your way. He has the best hair east of the Mississippi.

Keep it silly

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