Possible solution for Nap. Austrin artillery (3 Viewers)


Private 1st Class
May 14, 2014
I have been toying with the idea of taking the Armies In Plastic ACW Union artillery heavy siege gun crew and adding heads from the Timpo Wellington or Blucher for the bicorn hat to make passing Napoleonic Austrian gun crews in overcoats. Has anyone tried this or do you think it would pass the 6 foot by 6 foot rule? I currently use AWI figures from BMC but they are not really any sort of a match. Any other suggestions would be welcomed as I am willing to butcher as many toys soldiers as I need to. I don't really have money to blow on all the parts to make couple of dozen figures from helmet parts it would take.

I use BMC Mexicans as Austrian infantry and I have plenty to cut up but the plastic is very hard to cut. I have broken the tips off of plenty of Xacto knives. The uniform is acceptable to me but the poses lack the starting point to make guns crews from. Armies In Plastic plastic is much easier to work with and even more so is the recast Timpo stuff.
It very well could work! You might have to snip some parts of the gun crews coats but I'd be very interested in seeing how they turn out! if you end up doing some, post em! I figured I would just use rev war bmc artillery men with some minor conversions but, admittedly, haven't given much thought about it yet since I have only a small (converted) Austrian army.
For infantry, I was thinking about BMC Mexicans and CTA Dutch but I converted those into French line and Polish, respectively, and didn't want the same poses for opposing forces.
For now, I have Marx Brit Grenadiers for Hungarian Grenadiers, AIP 95th Rifles for Grenzer and Hat Avant Garde as Jager. No line infantry!

I'm looking forward to what you come up with
oh wow those look pretty dang good. I see some hat landwerh, hat elites. AIP artilleryman. What else? Good job!
I made Austrian Artillery with these Russian officer hats from those elusive Russian made Austerlitz era Russians plus Reamsa Napoleonic and Classic Toy Soldier Mexican artillery.



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Thanks Scott, I have bunches of each of those guys. I'm going to order the AIP ACW heavy siege artillery and then make up a bunch of each of the suggestions. I'll try a batch of each type or even come up with a combination of these and see what I like best.
I was thinking the wellington head from Timpo would be the easiest but I've used all my Wellingtons as Saxon heavy cav. The Blucher head is wearing a slightly different hat but maybe close enough since these are going to be butchered jobs. Hmmm... butchered Bluchers. Try saying that 3 times fast.
I hadn't thought about the Reamsa Spanish but I have them and they are just sitting around. I've taken the ramaods off of the Dulcop guns and I see classic sells ramrods by the 6 pack so basic equipment is available. What I am having a hard time finding is a scale bucket to be carried or to be set by the gun. Any ideas?

I'm also going to use AIP French artillery as Russians by doing a lot of head swapping.

Colebraden, I'm using the ACTA British in stovepipe as the Austrian grenzers. I took off the shoulder fringe and a simple paintjob turned out great. Only have 1 done. If I have time this week I'll post a pic.
I dug out the lone grenzer I have done. 100_1390 (800x599).jpg100_1391 (800x599).jpg100_1394 (800x599).jpg
I clipped off the plume and scrapped off the shoulder fringe and the rest is paint. I'm on the last 10 guys of 102 Wuttembergers and then I'll try the artillery. Pics of the Wurttys to follow.
Nice work guys! I did a few artillery conversions years ago. I used Reamsa, CTS, and a marx cavalry guy with a 2 part putty greatcoat and 2 part putty for the hats. I wasn,t as fussy about uniforms back then as I am now. I also sculpted a few from scratch as a mess around project. I had a few basic body forms I was messing with and I decided to turn them into Austrian artillery guys.

,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,What I am having a hard time finding is a scale bucket to be carried or to be set by the gun. Any ideas?

That might be a scratch built item. A piece of dowell or even a piece of a pen cap to get the conical shape.
Love FISH's new scratch made Austrians and the Cannon with seat(seriously talented) :salute::
The conversions/scratch built are great Fish - as usual for your great work - super ideas for the poses

While awaiting the arrival of the AIP ACW artillery I knocked these guys out for a first look.100_1424 (800x599).jpg
I replaced a few arms and found a bucket hanging off the front of a Dulcop gun.100_1422 (800x599).jpg
A little putty and the back of the jacket was closed.100_1421 (800x599).jpg
Putty also gave this guy an extra crossbelt.100_1420 (800x599).jpg
Swapping heads out for Timpo Bluchers gave them their bicorns with plume.100_1412 (800x599).jpg
This was inspired by Fishheads dio.

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