Yep there's another Stug paintsheme that comes with crew and tank riders.
It's possibly the best version except maybe for the original diorama version.
Today my pal gave me a Stug as an early birthday present. It is the Ardennes Winter version and I'm crazy about it. What a great friend and terrific gift!!
To make more room in Heid Mansion for other TS displays, we recently gave around 50% of our FOV collection to the local Sick Childrens Hospital in Dalian. No regrets. Seeing the Chinese kids playing with these vehicles brought it's own reward.
Hi harry, that's top notch what you all did by donating to the children, not to many people take time out any more to help those in need, here here to harry the great!!!!!!!! may your generosity be rewarded with many k&c soldiersseriously though we need more folk like you and the mrs. in this crazy world....sammy
Oops, now that has embarrassed me Sammy....
I'm not quite so altruistic and I didn't post that message to give the impression that I am, but me'n'the'wife decided that Evil Bay isn't for us and rather than chuck them in the trashcan, Missus Heid made the suggestion that this would be a good way to make more space in my cave.
I wasn't so sure, thinking maybe the nurses would take a donation of war toys the wrong way, but the kids seemed to enjoy them enormously, and we took so much pleasure from our visit, we'll be seeing them again and making another donation when I finally get home next time. Even visiting parents were all smiles and chattering away about it, shaking a bewildered and very embarrassed Heid by the hand and so on. It's definitely a good feeling when people from other cultures express gratitude for something that really wasn't all that big a deal for me - not initially, I mean.
Your just one of those big old softy Scots blokes we've heard tell of ain't you Harry? Living in the Cairngorms tending to Nessie and feeding yer flocks o' haggis.....come on admit it !!!!
To make more room in Heid Mansion for other TS displays, we recently gave around 50% of our FOV collection to the local Sick Childrens Hospital in Dalian. No regrets. Seeing the Chinese kids playing with these vehicles brought it's own reward.
That should have made a great pic! DOH!![]()
Thats very generous indeed Harry,nice one.
On an entirely different subject,i'm really down on my luck Harry,i don't know where the next THIN RED LINE MULTIPLES ONLY PLEASE is coming from.I have not seen hair nor hide of CHARGE OF THE LIGHT BRIGADE LANCERS for weeks and i'm about to open my last BRITISH NAPOLEONIC INFANTRY.Please sir,elp a poor ex postmen who survived years of abuse striving to elp the dear ol British public,surviving only on overtime,xmas tips and tins of quality street!