Post your modern wants HERE!! (2 Viewers)

Hard to think of modern war things I WOULDN'T want. My favorite Figarti line by far (although the German train is making a serious run for the money).

My list would be

1) Afghan insurgents/Taliban. Also - Afghan could be it's own line AFG - you could start with Special Forces on horseback. Heck, you could start with the Russians. BMPS...Hind's getting taken out by stingers
2) Anything Israeli/Arab/Palestinian/Hezbollah - I think whatever manufacturer his that will actually find a lot of success.
3) Helicopters - Blackhawk (up or down:), Little Bird, Cobra...did I mentioned Hinds?
(I liked whoever posted the idea of the could do a tribute to Blackhawk Down like Figarti did w/Hurt Locker with the EOD releases
4) Russian tanks - Iraq or Cold War.
5)Brits in Afghanistan, WMIK etc.

Mostly, opposing forces for US/Nato. I just hope the recent IRQ releases justify more in the future. Very well done.
Or camelback as they were shortly after 9-11

I'm down with camels, although they are very hard to sculpt right. There seems to me a huge difference in quality between the two major manufacturers currently doing them.

I just watched a Military Channel special on the 1973 Yom Kippur War. It would be great to do a Challenger, and maybe have an Israeli variation.
For modern subject matter how about the following conflicts:
-1948 Arab-Israeli war, lots of reused WW II equipment, uniforms and vehicles. Perhaps a way to draw the WWII collectors into this line.

-1956 Middle East War/Suez Crisis, lots for everyone, Egyptians, British Paras, French and Israeli forces

-French foreign legion in post WWII Vietnam, or a series devoted to Battle of Dien Bien Phu

-French foreign legion in post WWII Algeria and Morocco.

really interesting to see all the requests for the Arab-Israeli conflict items. I never knew there was an interest, strikes me as interesting given that it would appear people would rather that conflict than say, the first Gulf War.

Curious but it also appears as if everyone wants armor- is it because we are more interested in armor over troops? Lots of requests for modern UK armor yet there is only one (rather unimaginative) set of UK troops out there.
Lots of requests for modern UK armor yet there is only one (rather unimaginative) set of UK troops out there.

Get yer reading specs on old timer :)cool:), there's 3 requests for Brit troops, + a non nationality specific request for troops in Afghanistan. :p
Unimaginative? Now, I know you can't have been talking about my suggestion......:eek:;)

I'll take whatever anyone puts out there. Beggers can't be choosers, and whilst Figarti are still turning up the goods, would like to see more.
Get yer reading specs on old timer :)cool:), there's 3 requests for Brit troops, + a non nationality specific request for troops in Afghanistan. :p
Unimaginative? Now, I know you can't have been talking about my suggestion......:eek:;)

Sorry mate- I meant that Figarti currently only offers one set of UK troops and they are in somewhat bland poses. Just seems to me after reading this thread that there is a moderate amount of demand for modern UK forces. I'd buy em.
Sorry mate- I meant that Figarti currently only offers one set of UK troops and they are in somewhat bland poses. Just seems to me after reading this thread that there is a moderate amount of demand for modern UK forces. I'd buy em.

I take it all back (well, most of it, but you can keep the old timer bit, we need to stick together :p)
Yep, I see what you mean, the Brit set is, as you say, a bit bland.
I'm guessing the US market is considerably bigger and therefore the US stuff sells better. Understandable, but we could do with a some back up for the 4 PBI.
really interesting to see all the requests for the Arab-Israeli conflict items. I never knew there was an interest, strikes me as interesting given that it would appear people would rather that conflict than say, the first Gulf War.

Curious but it also appears as if everyone wants armor- is it because we are more interested in armor over troops? Lots of requests for modern UK armor yet there is only one (rather unimaginative) set of UK troops out there.

I'm Jewish, so that might have something to do with my interest in the Arab-Israeli conflicts. And without getting too political, between that and the generally warm feeling for Israel here in the states...that might be a good untapped market.

There's more to it than that, though. The 1st Gulf War doesn't feel like it would be terribly different that the current Iraq line.

I'd think that the reason Arab-Israeli wars are sparking some interest is because they cover a span of the Cold War that was hot - maybe the hottest involving armor outside the Korean War.

As far as Brits in modern conflicts, I'd love to see ground troops in Afghanistan (they make more sense than armor). I very much appreciate the sacrifices that NATO troops are making...the show of support from countries weren't attacked in 9/11 was and is something that always touched me greatly.

(Also - if you haven't read it, I'd highly recommend the book 3 Para by Patrick Bishop about Brits in Afghanistan.)

The Falklands would be interesting...Britains did a couple troops under their special forces banner which I'm tempted to pick up, but I like having an opposing force.
I agree with Mark about Gulf War I. Also too many post WWII tanks look like wedges with treads.

Another suggestion for a Middle East line would be the SAS in Oman during the Dhofar rebellion, ca. 1960s, early 1970s, I think.


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