This is all a very interesting debate. There are considerable pressures to raise prices, everyone from our US and British sculptors and painters to our Chinese manufacturers would like more. Thankfully though, all of our US and UK artists have been very understanding as have our Chinese manufacturers in holding the line. They all understand what we are doing, servicing a solid foundation of existing collectors and growing a new crop of collectors who want great figures in the $30/27 GBP range, or for that matter $2/1.5GBP or $15/7GBP, depending on what range of ours you collect. It is working - we are asking our sculptors to make more figures and our Chinese manufacturers to produce more, so they are indeed getting more business from us as a result, maybe they are not making as much per figure but the net result is more sales across the board. We continue to look for ways to not only improve but control costs, I posted recently on this, so will say no more. Can we keep this up? I certainly plan to. Will there be price increases, yes, but I will try to keep them measured -$30 to $32, $32 to $34, and spread out, over the next 12-24 months...and maybe longer. I think each manufacturer needs to do what is right for their customers and their business model. And as many have pointed out here, our model is to make toy soldiers for young and old, rich and poor, and so far, 120 years and counting, our customers seem okay with that. And frankly we all love doing it. Thanks as always for the kind words of support and encouragement, we will continue to do all we can to not let you down.