Problem with Photos from PHOTOBUCKET (2 Viewers)

Larry Allen

2nd Lieutenant
Nov 5, 2007
The last few days when I have been posting some pictures from PHOTOBUCKET, but after the post has been completed I can't see the picture(s)

There is a LINK box in place of where the picture should be.

When I <click> on the link box, the PHOTOBUCKET website comes up with the correct picture.

Then, when I return to TreeFrog site and refresh the thread pages all seems fine .... until the next time. ^&confuse

It is a problem with PHOTOBUCKET, my computer or TF servers ???? Larry

Additional info ... It seems OTHER people photos are okay, only the ones I have posted.
Once I refresh they are there until I log out and log in again.
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The last few days when I have been posting some pictures from PHOTOBUCKET, but after the post has been completed I can't see the picture(s)

There is a LINK box in place of where the picture should be.

When I <click> on the link box, the PHOTOBUCKET website comes up with the correct picture.

Then, when I return to TreeFrog site and refresh the thread pages all seems fine .... until the next time. ^&confuse

It is a problem with PHOTOBUCKET, my computer or TF servers ???? Larry

Additional info ... It seems OTHER people photos are okay, only the ones I have posted.
Once I refresh they are there until I log out and log in again.

I think it is a Photobucket problem Larry, I have exactly the same happening with pictures I posted yesterday in the TROPHY section


Larry/Martyn...I thought it was me...

Larry...I can no longer see your pics...just your newer ones...

Martyn...I had this issue with some of yours too...

it just shows a little blueish box that I click on and it takes me to your Photobucket...

there I can see it...
Hi Michael and Larry

I have emailed the Support desk at Photobucket asking them to check it out and let me know, they have been pretty good when a problem has appeared in the past but a reply from them can take up to 36 hours


I think it is a Photobucket problem Larry, I have exactly the same happening with pictures I posted yesterday in the TROPHY section



Larry/Martyn...I thought it was me...

Larry...I can no longer see your pics...just your newer ones...

Martyn...I had this issue with some of yours too...

it just shows a little blueish box that I click on and it takes me to your Photobucket...

there I can see it...

Hi Michael and Larry

I have emailed the Support desk at Photobucket asking them to check it out and let me know, they have been pretty good when a problem has appeared in the past but a reply from them can take up to 36 hours



OH THANK GOODNESS ... I thought I was doing something wrong.

Mike if you "Refresh" the TF screen after clicking on one of the LINK BOXES then the TF pages start showing all the photos again.

Let me know gents ... THANKS!
OH THANK GOODNESS ... I thought I was doing something wrong.

Mike if you "Refresh" the TF screen after clicking on one of the LINK BOXES then the TF pages start showing all the photos again.

Let me know gents ... THANKS!


Pictures do appear now, but something ain't right, I will report any comment from Photobucket I receive.



Pictures do appear now, but something ain't right, I will report any comment from Photobucket I receive.



Hello Martyn ... strange thing is when I log out and then come back some time later I have to refresh (almost) each page in the THREAD to get the 3,4 pictures in the particular post. Then go to the next one and so forth. For the next few hours all the photos appear.

Not I have not changed any status on Photobucket and I now notice it on two other posts .... ^&confuse

Many THANKS for handling this, Martyn

--- LaRRy

UPDATE: For the first time in 4 days I log on after being online to TreeFrog and all the pictures were present.

I would be curious to know what PhotoBucket did to correct the issue (if they did anything) .... being an old Microsoft Server Software designer ... :confused:

--- LaRRy
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Hello Martyn ... strange thing is when I log out and then come back some time later I have to refresh (almost) each page in the THREAD to get the 3,4 pictures in the particular post. Then go to the next one and so forth. For the next few hours all the photos appear.

Not I have not changed any status on Photobucket and I now notice it on two other posts .... ^&confuse

Many THANKS for handling this, Martyn

--- LaRRy

UPDATE: For the first time in 4 days I log on after being online to TreeFrog and all the pictures were present.

I would be curious to know what PhotoBucket did to correct the issue (if they did anything) .... being an old Microsoft Server Software designer ... :confused:

--- LaRRy

Hi Larry

All seems good for me as well, here is the reply I received from Photobucket a lot quicker than the 36 hours I expected it to take :)

Sam(Photobucket Support)
Jun 2, 11:02 AM MDT


Thank you for your patience! This issue has been resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

If you are still experiencing issues with your account, please let us know.

Have a great day!

Sam@Photobucket Support


Hi Larry

All seems good for me as well, here is the reply I received from Photobucket a lot quicker than the 36 hours I expected it to take :)

Sam(Photobucket Support)
Jun 2, 11:02 AM MDT


Thank you for your patience! This issue has been resolved. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

If you are still experiencing issues with your account, please let us know.

Have a great day!

Sam@Photobucket Support



Well, that really tells us a lot ... :confused: ... but it seems to be working fine. Thank you for real quick actions and fast resolution ..... :salute::

--- LaRRy
The issue may not be with anything technically wrong with Photobucket, but rather, it may be more with how the rest of the Internet interacts with Photobucket.

Photobucket increased the amount of ad content, including popups, hotlinks to advertisers, etc, last year. If you access Photobucket, for example, and you aren't a paid account holder, you're likely to see the content. If you have a paid account, Photobucket doesn't present it to you. Now, let's go one step further: We take a link for an image at Photobucket and insert it in a post somewhere else in the Internet, like a post here in the forum. When someone calls up that post, he makes a call over the Internet to Photobucket. Photobucket has no way of knowing whether that person calling up that link is a paid customer, and so, the ad content is liable to get posted. Depending on things like security at the page where the link is posted, or network security, the page containing the post and link may filter out the replies coming from Photobucket. I see this myself, when I am at work, logged in to my company's network and then accessing the Internet. We have web filters installed to block out ad content and streaming content. Often when I am in a forum and I view a post that contains an image linked at Photobucket, I'll see my browser's progress indicator (eg, a spinner or some other icon that shows the browser is doing something) as it tries to resolve the link and its content. And then the browser completes, giving up, basically, because either the content--not just image, but the rest of the content associated with that page at Photobucket--violates the rules of our web filter, or, it times out trying to show the additional content that does pass the filter. But when I'm at home, on my own Internet connection, I can see those images.

This additional ad content has caused a lot of consternation among users, and I'm not sure there is any resolution other than for Photobucket to drop it or change it to some form that doesn't cause other pages around the Web to reject it.

That's my educated guess about what's happening, in any case, based on my own observations. I have no problems, myself, when I access my Photobucket account and the images I have stored there. I have a paid subscription, so I don't get the ad content, though I see it when I first access the page, before I log in and authenticate. But I read post after post from people who have just the free account and who have had to deal with this since last year.

The issue may not be with anything technically wrong with Photobucket, but rather, it may be more with how the rest of the Internet interacts with Photobucket.

Photobucket increased the amount of ad content, including popups, hotlinks to advertisers, etc, last year. If you access Photobucket, for example, and you aren't a paid account holder, you're likely to see the content. If you have a paid account, Photobucket doesn't present it to you. Now, let's go one step further: We take a link for an image at Photobucket and insert it in a post somewhere else in the Internet, like a post here in the forum. When someone calls up that post, he makes a call over the Internet to Photobucket. Photobucket has no way of knowing whether that person calling up that link is a paid customer, and so, the ad content is liable to get posted. Depending on things like security at the page where the link is posted, or network security, the page containing the post and link may filter out the replies coming from Photobucket. I see this myself, when I am at work, logged in to my company's network and then accessing the Internet. We have web filters installed to block out ad content and streaming content. Often when I am in a forum and I view a post that contains an image linked at Photobucket, I'll see my browser's progress indicator (eg, a spinner or some other icon that shows the browser is doing something) as it tries to resolve the link and its content. And then the browser completes, giving up, basically, because either the content--not just image, but the rest of the content associated with that page at Photobucket--violates the rules of our web filter, or, it times out trying to show the additional content that does pass the filter. But when I'm at home, on my own Internet connection, I can see those images.

This additional ad content has caused a lot of consternation among users, and I'm not sure there is any resolution other than for Photobucket to drop it or change it to some form that doesn't cause other pages around the Web to reject it.

That's my educated guess about what's happening, in any case, based on my own observations. I have no problems, myself, when I access my Photobucket account and the images I have stored there. I have a paid subscription, so I don't get the ad content, though I see it when I first access the page, before I log in and authenticate. But I read post after post from people who have just the free account and who have had to deal with this since last year.


Hi Brad

I've got a paid account with Photobucket and don't get the ad content but still had the same problem as Larry.


Hi Brad

I've got a paid account with Photobucket and don't get the ad content but still had the same problem as Larry.



I do, too, with some websites and Photobucket links. That's why I say, I don't think it's a problem with Photobucket alone, but rather, with the way other web pages interact with Photobucket.
I do, too, with some websites and Photobucket links. That's why I say, I don't think it's a problem with Photobucket alone, but rather, with the way other web pages interact with Photobucket.

Since Martyn had worked with Photobucket all seems to be working fine ... fingers crossed!

I pay the 14.95/yr to get rid of those pesky ads. They slowed down the uploading and post process by 3 - 4 times or even more.

When the ads were showing, I often had "Timeouts" on the router. Since they held me hostage and I finally gave in all has worked perfectly ... upload a picture in 8 -10 seconds.

I am only at 25% capacity, so I haven't paid for more storage yet ,but I will when the time comes.
I still think it is the easiest and fastest way to store and post pictures.

--- LaRRy
I have the base version and have had no issues. The ads slow things down a little but it's a minor annoyance.

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