Public Enemies! (1 Viewer)


1st Lieutenant
Sep 23, 2006
Saw this with my girlfriend Lauren tonight!:D

Thought it was really good, rather loud, but good, to be honest was not as good as trailers had led to be expected:(:confused:

Thought Johnny Depp was amazing portraying someone in the life of the 30s:)

End of the movie was a bit gloom and doomish but:(
And not many fight scenes, where the camera didn't jump from one space to ten others in an instance, the whole movie was a bit of an overall blur, but a well thought out blur:D;)

New movie called 'Inglorious Basterds' coming out soon with Brad Pitt, as soon as the trailer ended, Lauren grabbed me by the t-shirt, looked straight at me and said 'We're going to see that, I'm tellin yoo':eek:

What a girl!:D:cool:
New movie called 'Inglorious Basterds' coming out soon with Brad Pitt, as soon as the trailer ended, Lauren grabbed me by the t-shirt, looked straight at me and said 'We're going to see that, I'm tellin yoo':eek:

What a girl!:D:cool:[/QUOTE]

What's that movie about?
New movie called 'Inglorious Basterds' coming out soon with Brad Pitt, as soon as the trailer ended, Lauren grabbed me by the t-shirt, looked straight at me and said 'We're going to see that, I'm tellin yoo'

What a girl!:D:cool:

What's that movie about?

World War Two, Brad Pitt is some sort of Major/Leuitenant/Amry Commander guy who takes like 7 or 8 men into Occupied Europe behind enemy lines, and I think basically they just cause havoc within the German Army, there is a lot of gore and bloodshed, for instance in one scene in the trailer you see a German tied to a chair, and an American soldier (one of Pitt's men) is taking a full swing of a bat and aiming it right at the German's head:eek::D;):eek::cool:
Then of course, the titles all come up:D

Looks superb, if not a bit fanatical;):)
I also saw "Public Enemies", I actually found it quite boring, and not worth the money to go see, IMO, but the fight scenes were good!:) The problem I had with it was that they tried making Dillenger out to be this hero, and didn't show him for what he was...

I also saw "Public Enemies", I actually found it quite boring, and not worth the money to go see, IMO, but the fight scenes were good!:) The problem I had with it was that they tried making Dillenger out to be this hero, and didn't show him for what he was...


That's exactly what I thought, I just thought that other members of the Forum (older, iser ones) would have slagged off my comments for being on the negative side:eek:

Although I have no idea what John Dillinger was really like either:eek::eek::confused:
That's exactly what I thought, I just thought that other members of the Forum (older, iser ones) would have slagged off my comments for being on the negative side:eek:

Although I have no idea what John Dillinger was really like either:eek::eek::confused:


Remember what "Baby Face" was, a psycho, murderous nut!:eek: Did like their portrayl J. Edgar Hoover however...

Michael Mann is one of my favorite film directors with a fine body of "crime movies" attached to his name such as Heat and Collateral but he missed his mark with this one by relying too much on Depp's charisma to carry the film. Problem there is any good actor needs a good script and it was not forthcoming for this movie.

Dillinger has been filmed quite a few times and the best of the bunch is the 1973 version starring Warren Oates (who did look a lot like the real Dillinger) and directed by John Milius (Conan). Although a little dated now it's still a pretty exciting hum-dinger action movie with a great cast supporting Oates.

Re the comment of making him look like some kind of hero-he was exactly that to a lot of farm folks who during the depression lost their homes to the greedy banks (much like today if you can't pay your mortgage) when they foreclosed on them. So a guy from Indiana who was robbing those same banks who had thrown them out of their homes became very much their hero regardless that he was killing bank staff and cops. That mythic image has followed Dillinger through history right up today.

Try and get hold of this DVD you wont be disappointed and a whole lot better than this new version.



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