Question regarding painting? (1 Viewer)


Aug 1, 2011
What Is the best paint to use for my figures. I have been using tamiya paint for years now and just wondering Is there anything better with a huge variety of
What Is the best paint to use for my figures. I have been using tamiya paint for years now and just wondering Is there anything better with a huge variety of

I always use HUMBROL, and have been using that for about 40 years!!!!

It's enamel paint, but I do like the finish and the colours.

try the vallejo range of model colour model air and Panzer aces. They come in sets and cover every concievable colour way and historical era from naps to railway colours. I have stopped using every thing else and now would not recommend anything else
It depends, and you'll get as many preferences as there are painters. It also depends where you are.

First, in which style are you painting--matte or gloss?

For matte, I use Tamiya water-based enamels, as well as Model Master acrylics, and Testor's, and I also use the cheap (under a dollar a bottle) craft store water-based acrylics.

For gloss, I use the gloss enamels and acrylics from the same manufacturers. I'll also use matte colors, and then coat the figure with Future floor wax, which is a liquid acrylic clear.

I also use Mussini/Schminke oils for some things, as well as Gunze-Sangyo paints, and I still have some old bottles of Pactra enamels.

Humbrols aren't as readily available here in the States as the brands I've named, though they can be found, of course. I have a couple of bottles of Andrea's water-based acrylics, but for my purposes, the craft store acrylics do the same job, so I refuse to pay Andrea and Vallejo prices for something that works just as well for much less cost. That's why I use Future for my gloss coat, too, rather than buying something from Testor or Tamiya. I do use Testor's DullCote, though, because I haven't yet found a cheap alternative that works consistently.

Also, as you go along with painting, you might learn how to mix colors--I'm not so good at it yet--and you'll find you don't need to buy a specific "WWII Color Set" or something similar, such as Andrea packages. You can buy some basic colors and mix them yourself.

Regarding what I've said about cost, I'll add that I follow the principle of frugality. Frugal doesn't mean cheap--it means you don't waste anything. So, I invest in good brushes, for example, which will last longer, with care, instead of buying cheap brushes which will wear out and have to be replaced frequently. You wind up spending more, in the long run, which is a waste.

Hope that all helps, and let us see what you're painting!

What Is the best paint to use for my figures. I have been using tamiya paint for years now and just wondering Is there anything better with a huge variety of

Go with the Vallejo Acrylics mate, it's the best paint out there at the moment and I've used it to production paint now for 10+ YEARS after using nothing but Humbrol Enamels for 20+ years before that.

The colour range is second to none and their new Panzer Ace Colours are brilliant, especially for uniforms.

NO smell and NO fumes = NO headaches, brushes wash out with water, they dry in minutes and the paint accepts every type of varnish.

Enamels are still here mate and there are many (like me a while back) who simply refuse to accept change.

Try them and you won't look back, that I promise!

I have only used Vallejo and Andrea acrylic paints for the past ten years or so. Super fine pigment and they cover great! The learning curve is a bit steep, but once you master the acrylic techniques they are unbeatable! I have posted lot's and lot's of tutorials on YOU TUBE if you need any tips. See them here:

Also, don't hesitate to get started with inexpensive water based craft store acrylics as these are readily available at Michaels, Hobby Lobby etc..., they come in a huge range of colors, and cost around a dollar a bottle.

These are not as nice as vallejo but will allow you to practice a bit without spending a ton of money and still get reasonably good results.

Good luck.

I always use HUMBROL, and have been using that for about 40 years!!!!

It's enamel paint, but I do like the finish and the colours.


Me too John!........but I only use gloss! {eek3}

Here is a recent example from my bench, of a figure I painted and used some craft store acrylics. The yellow was from the Americana line, sold at Michael's as were the black for the Pelz and the white on the Stutz or plume:


I applied the paint right out of the bottle, and also thinned with water; for large areas, like this hussar's dolman and breeches, I would always thin the paint to the consistency of milk.

Here is the finished figure, with a couple coats of Future to provide the gloss finish:


For 89 cents, I'm happy. I'll get better with their use. I'm also going to test using the same paint in my airbrush on a Zero model that I'm finishing.


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